Tag Archives: day in the life of a turret

One Year Later

Well, it passed. Leet World ended just a little over a year ago. A nutty show, and a nutty ride. You guys are nuts, too.

I’d write a big thing about my thoughts about the year since, but I’d rather hear more of what you guys think. What are some of the highlights and lowlights of you for TLW? I’ve got a few of my own.

Highlights: Mendoza’s arc. Both season finales. The “can of worms / Council of Elrond” episode, S2E11, where most of the mysteries were spilled (still feel like we pulled that off decently). S1E7, because I feel like it was the first episode where we “got it” and the formula and quality for all subsequent episodes clicked.

Lowlights: I know a lot of people will boo me for this, but S1E1. The fact that we introduced Mendoza so late. Probably the only true “filler” episode we did, S1E6. The faceposing in Season 1. Not having the time to utilize the comrades/SWAT Bras more fully.

Go ahead and share yours.

In other news, we’ve been told from a Canadian friend that Day in the Life of a Turret was shown/referenced on TV there. While we’re unsure of the network (though it might have been G4), it seems the context wasn’t entirely positive. Still, we’re curious if anyone saw this?

Also, if you were planning on checking out Daniel’s panel appearance on Rooster Teeth’s Best of Machinima Panel this weekend at Fantastic Fest, that has been officially moved to Sunday at 2:30 PM. This is a bummer for me, because I was going to drive down for it on Saturday, but now I can’t. Sad. Face.

Fantastic Fest Plus Rocking with the Producer

ProducerHowdy and hello.

Thanks to everyone for all of the birthday wishes you gave us. It’s great that so many of you are still around from the earliest days. Also fairly flattering. A special thank you to all the lurkers that came out of hiding to utter a few words of gratitude. Another weird anniversary is coming right on the heels of that one: next week marks a year since TLW ended.

In terms of news, the main thing I have to offer is for those of you who live in Texas. Next weekend, a cool thing called Fantastic Fest will be going down in Austin. It’s a huge genre film festival, and from what I hear, it’s pretty rad. Anyway, Rooster Teeth organized themselves a machinima panel, and they invited one of us to sit in on it. Since Daniel won the fist fight (it’s the gangly arms), he gets to be on the panel with some other machinima dudes.

If you are anywhere nearby, the Best of Machinima screening will happen on Saturday, September 25 at 4 PM at the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar. They’ll be showing Day in the Life of a Turret. Stop by and troll Daniel.

Also, because I’m nice, here’s a free download of the Producer theme from the TLW soundtrack. Figured since the anniversary of his death is coming up and all, it only made sense. This is probably my favorite track on the whole thing. Enjoy!


Right click and save as to download.

In other news, did anyone get Halo: Reach? I’m loving it. Also, check out the new GamerSushi. Loving that, too.

More Community Spotlights

batman-spotlightOne thing that we love doing is watching things that dudes from the community have made concerning our ridiculous library of Smooth Few Films work. It’s baffling to us that people like what we do enough to spend their own free time making a tribute to it.

Before, we’ve posted some community favorites of ours, so I thought I’d repeat that again with some new links that we found recently.

Check these out:

  • Day in the Life of a Turret piano cover. Though sometimes YouTube can be a pit of despair, there are plenty of dudes that make it worth it to be there, such as David Debono, who has an awesome video of him playing Nine to Five, the song from our Portal video. We were hanging out last week during our shoot when Jace found this video and promptly freaked out, he was so excited.

  • TLW Season 2 trailer. A pretty impressively put-together trailer for our 2nd season. While it’s not heavy on effects and such, the guy just did a great job of researching through the season and finding some great lines. The clips are organized really well and the trailer kind of pumped me up a little for the finale, even though I know how it ends.

  • TLW Typography. This one needs almost no explanation. It kind of made me a lulz bandit.

So yeah, view those guys for some awesome tributes. We have some hearts for them. And if you have anymore things that you want to draw our attention to, send them over.

Oh, and if you’re wanting a TLW Finale update, our target is still this upcoming week. Probably later rather than sooner. Also, everyone dies. Not really. But maybe.


Sorry for the lack of updates, but I’ve been without Internet for a few days here.

However, I return with some good news. A few weeks ago, we submitted our videos to the Machinima Festival that happens in Novemeber. Well, the results are in: Smooth Few Films has been nominated for several machinima awards!

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Day in the Life of a TurretBest Short Format/ Best Music
  • The Bag BoyBest Short Format/ Best Voice Acting/ Best Writing
  • The Leet WorldHonorary Mention, Best Series

I won’t pretend that we’re not disappointed that The Leet World didn’t get an actual nomination for Best Series, seeing as how hard we’ve worked on it, or that it wasn’t recognized for the incredible music that Jace has continually produced for us. Personally, I still can’t think of another series save for Red Vs Blue that devotes as much as we do to characters and story, but to each his own.

All that said, though, we’re excited to be nominated for what we did get nominated for, and hopefully we can take home some kind of award come November, when the winners are announced.

In other news, production is starting on The Leet World, Season 2, and we filmed the next episode of Web Zeroes over the weekend. Stick around, because more things are coming this week, including commentary for Episode 3 of TLW!

Weekend at PAX: Wrap-Up

PAX is officially over, and the weekend was worth every penny we spent getting there. It’s always been my dream to attend something like this, a video game convention I suppose, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. If you’ve been reading up on it over at GamerSushi, you’ll know that I’ve played a ton of games and seen a lot of cool things.

Continue reading

Smooth Few Films in the Press

Apparently, we were recently mentioned on GamesRadar as the number two Halo 3 Machinima directors on the web. It’s a great review, and they have a lot of cool things to say about our work in the Halo engine. It seems that if we had done more, we might have snagged first place. To check out the article and see some other cool Halo stuff, read up on it at the Machinima Academy Awards. They even mention The Leet World series. It’s fun to see this kind of press, especially considering that Smooth Few Films was also mentioned in the April issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly for “A Day in the Life of a Turret”. Much thanks to the 1Up crew for that nod.

We are still toiling mightily on Episode Eleven, making a Herculean effort to get it out as soon as possible. There’s a delicate balance between working efficiently, quickly, but not rushing it to the point that you’re hurting the end product. So far, we’re happy with where the episode sits, and we’re nearing the finish line.

As always, we’ll let you know when we’re on the “eve” of release- we’ll be there any day now. Below are a few more screenshots from the episode.

In the Darkness Surprise Attack Hallway Shootout

More extras are on the way as well, including a little message from a couple of your beloved characters. Stay tuned!

Edit: Apparently, we were also noted in the UK PC Gamer. Thanks for the heads up guys!

Nine To Five

As promised, here is the song from Damn Dangerous that was composed for “A Day in the Life of a Turret”. We don’t talk about Jace and his music as much as we should, but seriously- he makes our videos what they are. This newest song, “Nine to Five“, is a perfect example of how music can take a piece to the next level. In the near future, there will be more ways to get your hands on the music that is featured on The Leet World.

Hello Computer…

So there’s been tons of traffic coming through here today for the Portal video, “A Day in the Life of a Turret”, which you can find below. As a result, things are a little sluggish around here, but it should all be cleared up over the course of the next day or so.

Also, I’d like to take this time to push people to Jonathan Coulton’s website, because hey, he wrote “Still Alive”, and he’s a plain awesome dude.

Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

If a turret bitches about its job and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? You bet it does. “A Day in the Life of a Turret” catches two turrets on the job during a typical day at the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, and the monotony that lies within. Enjoy!

Here are some download links:


(Please use the mirrors first to give our server breathing room.)

640 x 360 Mpeg 4

HD MPeg 4

640 x 360 WMV

HD WMV (coming soon)

IPod (coming soon)

Also, expect the first screenshots from Episode Nine in the next couple of days.