Tag Archives: leet world music

If TLW Was a Video Game…

Howdy, gents and ladies.

Wanted to say a big thank you to all the supportive comments we received on that last post. There will probably be some changes coming to the site over the next few months, so stay tuned for that.

I mainly wanted to post a bit of music that Jace did. Basically, it’s the TLW theme in 8 bit. I kind of love it. I’m sure you will, too.


Right click and save as to download. Happy listening.


russiaWe now present Episode 8 of Season 2 of The Leet World, Hide and Sneak. This episode starts to get the ball rolling for the second half of the season, which is about to pick up like a freight train. A freight train made of win.

In this episode, we see the house operating under some new dynamics, and the effects of Leeroy’s departure from several sides. Also, there are lulz. Anywho, check the TLW Premiere page to see a high-res version of the episode. Clear your browser cache if you’re still getting the old video.

See the new ep after the jump!
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The Question of Rock

electric-guitarEpisode 7 is nearing the final stages. We feel like we have scaled some kind of beastly machinima mountain. No, this doesn’t mean the episode is coming any minute now, because there’s quite a bit that has to get done to it before it’s ready for your calloused videogamer paws, but it’s close, and I’m excited.

One of the coolest parts of doing The Leet World is getting to hear the awesome stuff that Mr. Jace Ford, aka Damn Dangerous, pumps out for us every new episode. To watch the process go from a script to a final cut with his music put into it for the first time really is something special. The dude works hard to score each episode, and usually only does so in about a week’s time.

Anywho, over the course of the show we’ve seen tons of great comments regarding the music, so I wanted to know- which episode of The Leet World has your favorite music? I couldn’t quite put that in a poll since there would be way too many options, so feel free to respond in the comments.

The Leet World, Season One: Original Soundtrack

Well, it’s finally here. The Leet World, Season One: Original Soundtrack is available for download over at the Smooth Few Films store, along with our T-Shirts that went up for sale during the summer. Jace did an amazing job putting this whole thing together, and it really deserves to be listened to, and is for real worth the price. In fact, it’s a steal.

If you want to help support what we do here at Smooth Few Films, this is the way to do so. While we enjoy making The Leet World and Web Zeroes and providing those things for free on the Web, it does cost us money out of our own pocket to keep things going. Buying an album is the perfect way to help us ensure that we can keep doing this stuff, because like I said, we enjoy it and we love giving it to you.

So if you want, feel free to chip in and purchase even a song or two (though we’d prefer you buy more than one song since PayPal takes so much per transaction). Every little bit helps, and goes towards things that make this process even better. Remember, if you don’t have a credit card, a pre-paid card is easy to get and is always an option, too.

To purchase the soundtrack, just add it to your cart and proceed with the checkout. Once you’re done, you’ll get an e-mail with download instructions and a link.

Thanks to all of you who continually support us, be it through purchases, kind words, telling your friends, or just watching and enjoying.