Tag Archives: christmas

Season’s Leetings: A Leet World Holiday Message

Happy holidays, everyone. We hope today finds you full of nog, food, cheer and whatever else it is that you like to put in your body. We put together a Leet World holiday message for all of you as a special present.

For us, it has been a pleasure to be making things for you all again in 2014. Let’s make 2015 even better.

A Late Christmas Gift

Well, here’s a late “Happy Christmas” to all of you guys from us here at Smooth Few Films: new Leet World outtakes!

I meant to have these things up on Christmas morning, but I got a bit distracted by how awesome my weekend was. For real. We’ve finished filming Web Zeroes (the season finale is out on Wednesday) so Daniel, Nick and I are getting to experience the now-awkward warmth of actual friendship for the first time in a long time. You know, playing Dungeons and Dragons, hanging out, Rock Band, etc. It’s the opposite of how our time is spent when we make this stuff, which usually involves family curses, tiger uppercuts and CQC.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these outtakes. They hail from Season 2 of TLW, Episodes 9 and 10. As such, there are no Leeroy lines as he was out adventuring in the Matrix Mordor. There are also plenty of things from Ty doing his Asher and Mendoza voices and even some beatboxing at one point, as well as lots of Daniel having fun with Adam Sizzler. Because honestly, who wouldn’t have fun with that guy?

Sizzlin’ indeed. Right click and “save as” to download this stalwart mp3 to your general desktop region.



Ahmad is a Dad

Congratulations are in order for our favorite noobito, Ahmad.

Or rather, our friend Ben, the voice actor who plays him. Earlier this week, Ben became a proud father. His son was born on Monday, December 22nd- just in time for Christmas.

We here at Smooth Few Films just wanted to say a heartfelt congratulations to Ben and his wife. Many blessings, Ben. You are one of the coolest dudes I know. In a nerdy way, of course.

On Extras and Ninjas

Like ninjas, we plan on giving some long overdue extra content in the next few weeks. I know that some of you are longing for a podcast, and believe me, we have been too. It was sad for us that we never got to record a season finale podcast to wrap up and tell tales of that huge finale and what went into it. But soon, you’ll be hearing a lot of that stuff.

Speaking of extras, check out our new feature at GamerSushi, Shattered Save Slots, where we tackle some of our favorite games. This week is Final Fantasy VII.

Also, outtakes are on the way. There’s some pretty good stuff from the first couple of episodes, and possibly even more Cortez Cardinal: Ace Attorney in there as well.

Here are some screenshots from Episode 3 of Web Zeroes. We got some great footage last weekend. I think this is going to be a pretty solid episode.

All part of the plan... The beard's addiction. An offer you can't refuse...

You know what else is full of ninjas? Christmas. Who knew it was next week? It came like a thief in the shadows. Next time, I’ll be ready.

Loot Whores!

Smooth Few Films wishes all of you dudes and dudettes a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, etc. From the bottom of our hearts, you have made the latter half of 2007 a year to remember.

I’d like to remind you all that Santa could be leaving a pretty special present here in the next couple of days. I hear it’s so cool he couldn’t even get it here by Christmas. So be sure and check the website, which for the purpose of this metaphor shall be a Christmas tree. And no, the present is not a subtitled version of Episode Eight (though you should expect that at some point soon as well). It’s niftier than that.

Also, drop by the forums and weigh in on your loot!