Category Archives: G.R.I.E.F.

The Hero Shots

Just thought I’d drop in with a few house-cleaning items. Work on Web Zeroes is progressing rather smoothly. Kind of weird seeing our faces on screen instead of silly dudes bobbing their heads and using radio commands.

We recorded some rather interesting things over the weekend that I think you all will enjoy, whenever it is that they come to fruition. And no, none of it is the commentary for Episode 3, unfortunately. We’re going to have to wait on that for awhile until Daniel is back in town, as he’s currently in the middle of a 6 week editing gig in Dallas. Yes, he’s left us again. But our traveling editing minstrel will be back someday soon.

In addition, production on G.R.I.E.F. is about to go into full effect. It’s a Halo 3 action/comedy series (emphasis on the action), and we’re pretty pumped about moving forward on it. Hopefully you guys will be seeing a trailer for that at some point in the near future. In the meantime, enjoy these photos:

Double Talk

Glad to see that the Episode One commentary went over so well. We recorded three episodes at the same time, so now, here’s the bright shiny new Episode Two commentary for your listening enjoyment.

Once again, we offer a countdown at the beginning to help you know when to start the episode. I can’t imagine it makes much sense unless you’re watching the episode simultaneously. Personally, I think we did a better job on this one than on the first. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, too.

Remember, right-click and select “save as” to download it.

If you don’t have Episode Two downloaded, you can stream it from YouTube or here.

In other news, now that we’ve had some time to kind of chill and get our thoughts together, we’re moving into pre-production for some of the other properties that we’ve recently mentioned. Over the next couple of weeks you guys should be hearing a lot more about G.R.I.E.F. and Web Zeroes.

Also, if you haven’t seen The Dark Knight yet, go do it. I publicly declare that my man-crush on Christian Bale has only been strengthened in light of its release. And, in order to save my manhood after that statement, I shall add: Dude. Bra.

Announcing: New Things

I’ve been promising some announcements for several weeks now, so I figured it was time to stand and deliver. I’m no Lou Diamond Phillips, but I think I’ll be ok. Also, you may want to read on to see an interesting tidbit about part 3 of the Season Finale.

Here’s the stuff in the works…

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