Category Archives: Humor

Riot Gear and Some Questions

I’ve decided I’m going to start updating this blogernator a bit more. But as we don’t have many updates, I figured I could use it to answer some questions. So from here on out, feel free to ask away in the comments, and I’ll do my best. If you’re an aspiring content creator, I’d love for this to be a place where you can get some advice from some guys who have been there and back and have the scars and torn up contracts to prove it.

Our first round of answers:

1) We still got lots of questions about Season 3 of Leet World. This kind of surprises me, because as much as I know people loved the show, it has in fact been over for 2 years. People have done some pretty cool things on the Internet since then, and I highly recommend checking some of them out. Such as this nifty Portal 2 machinima. The writing’s not fantastic, but I’m impressed with what they pulled off, technically speaking. And there’s always Red Vs Blue, which has gone into a stratosphere that no other machinima creators can hope to touch.

2) If you ask us if you can be the one to continue Leet World, my answer will always be that nobody can stop you from doing what you want, but you’re not going to get our blessing. I’d encourage you to make your own thing, in your own way. Because I’m tyrannical like that.

3) All of us have recently rewatched The Leet World for the first time in a very, very long time, and I’ve got to say… I’m still baffled we did it. There’s a lot of technical stuff going on in a lot of those scenes that a lot of effort went into, and in some ways nobody can ever truly appreciate it but us. Weird to think that we pulled it off with all of the hurtles we had to overcome.

4) Not to make light of a serious situation, But I think Player is ready for the London riots. Seriously though, stay safe out there you guys.


Daniel + Bytejacker = Awesome

I was looking through the site the other day, and I can’t believe I forgot to post this back when it happened. One of the bonuses to being on Revision3 for a couple of seasons was the opportunity to meet some awesome folks in the same boat as us. This afforded us double rainbow like powers to create epic crossovers.

You already saw Daniel make an appearance on the Revision3 show Film Riot, where he demonstrated some of the audio techniques we used on Web Zeroes. But did you know that he also appeared on their indie video game show Bytejacker? Nerd and host Anthony Carboni did an episode where he toured the offices of Revision3, speaking with people from the other shows. One of those people included Daniel, who appeared as his character Ray from Web Zeroes. The results were hilarity and plaid. Daniel shows up at 3:57.

In other video game related news, today we posted an article over at GamerSushi about the top 30 upcoming games of 2010, and I love it. Go check it out. Got any you’re looking forward to?

More free soundtrack titles coming next week, plus hopefully some video/pics from Fantastic Fest.

Heads Up Displays

As I said last week, there will be no new episodes of Web Zeroes this week or next week. We’re trying to get everything together so we can release the last two episodes of the season back to back. This thing has truly been a grind this season, and… ah, screw it, just blame Nick’s beard. That’s usually what I do in situations like this, and I’ve found it works for me.

However, in the absence of a good and proper new Web Zeroes episode, I’ll be releasing another post concerning some more Lost TLW Factoids, including the whole deal with Ahmad’s chip as well as some other lesser known gems. I think any Leet World fans out there will want to come take a look at it for sure.

Last week, I posted a cool fan video that re-created The Office intro with Web Zeroes clips. This week, I bring another similar treat in the form of the Law and Order intro re-made with Web Zeroes. This was a big hit with us during filming over the weekend, and we stopped shooting just to watch it once we saw that it was out. Much thanks. Stuff like this that you fans do is such a treat for us. The idea that anyone would spend time paying tribute to something I work on still baffles me.

In other news, this is E3 week, and we are covering it over on GamerSushi, so you should check it out. Nick has been tweeting the press conferences from the GamerSushi account, and it’s an absolute riot. In addition, we’ve recapped the Microsoft press conference, as well as the Sony and Nintendo conferences. The Sony one includes some Portal 2 information. Head on over to the site and join the community, it’s a great place.

What are you guys looking forward to from E3? Left4Dead 3? Lol j/k.

Maybe We Steal

Maybe I Steal?Web Zeroes Season 2 is debuting this upcoming Wednesday, March 24th, which I’m hoping you guys have gathered courtesy of the last couple of blog posts. The first episode picks up a bit after the finale of Season 1, showing some of the aftermath of that episode’s zaniness. And it only gets weirder from there.

As I’ve said a million times, we can’t wait for this debut. I think all around, we learned a lot from last season, and really started to hit our stride in the second half. I’d like to think we’re not only picking up the story where we left it off, but the pace and tone of the show as well. Also, I love the look of the new camera. Kind of sweet. Hopefully all of you will agree.

This blog post’s title is borrowed from one of our favorite Leet World quotes, which is something that I’ve been thinking about ever since this awesome trailer that we linked last week. While it may seem a bit vain of us, we are quite fond of quoting our own material. I’m guessing that some of the stuff we like to joke around about differs from some of the things you guys do, so I thought I’d find out.

There are plenty more to add to this list at a later date, but here are some of our favorite quotes/moments…

Continue reading

More Community Spotlights

batman-spotlightOne thing that we love doing is watching things that dudes from the community have made concerning our ridiculous library of Smooth Few Films work. It’s baffling to us that people like what we do enough to spend their own free time making a tribute to it.

Before, we’ve posted some community favorites of ours, so I thought I’d repeat that again with some new links that we found recently.

Check these out:

  • Day in the Life of a Turret piano cover. Though sometimes YouTube can be a pit of despair, there are plenty of dudes that make it worth it to be there, such as David Debono, who has an awesome video of him playing Nine to Five, the song from our Portal video. We were hanging out last week during our shoot when Jace found this video and promptly freaked out, he was so excited.

  • TLW Season 2 trailer. A pretty impressively put-together trailer for our 2nd season. While it’s not heavy on effects and such, the guy just did a great job of researching through the season and finding some great lines. The clips are organized really well and the trailer kind of pumped me up a little for the finale, even though I know how it ends.

  • TLW Typography. This one needs almost no explanation. It kind of made me a lulz bandit.

So yeah, view those guys for some awesome tributes. We have some hearts for them. And if you have anymore things that you want to draw our attention to, send them over.

Oh, and if you’re wanting a TLW Finale update, our target is still this upcoming week. Probably later rather than sooner. Also, everyone dies. Not really. But maybe.

Source Wars and Cameos

So it looks like the next few weeks of my life will be absorbed by either Hammer or Faceposer. No, I can’t tell you why. But here’s a hint: it’s for TLW. In case you missed the update, Episodes 6 and 7 are going to mark the halfway point for Season 2. Stuff is about to go down. For real.

Anywho, we’ve got a new TLW based short coming out this weekend, and Episode 6 will be dropping sometime next week. Get excited. There are a lot of fun elements in every aspect of production for the next two episodes, ranging from sound design to color correcting and Hammer work. I’m just pumped about how the end products are going to turn out.

There’s a chance many of you have already seen Cortez’s cameo in Source Wars, made by Xanatos and crew, but if you haven’t, you should give it a watch. Xanatos did this with our permission, and he’s a bud of ours, so I was happy to lend my voice. It’s pretty goofy, but definitely good for some laughs.

Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy

Saw this great clip yesterday from Conan O’Brien and Louis CK. I find it to be an absurdly funny rant about the culture we live in. More specifically, I think it actually offers a witty, insightful, sobering depiction of the Internet in general.

All web content creators can probably identify with this in some way, in terms of people feeling entitled to things they weren’t aware of until 10 seconds ago. Create on you crazy web pioneers, with those megabyte wagons rolling along. Watch out for the dysentery, though. On the trail, it’s a killer.

EDIT: Our hosting provider is experiencing some issues tonight, so the site could range from slow to not working. Should be back soon!