Tag Archives: the leet world


Well, not entirely.  Unfortunately, we ran into some snags when trying to finish out the remainder of episode two, so don’t expect it until tomorrow (Wednesday).  The funny thing about editing something like this is that the last 5 percent of it (tweaking audio levels, making the cuts tighter, throwing in transitions and music between scenes, chopping up dialogue, etc) takes just as long to finish or longer than the first 95 percent.  Believe me, no one’s more bummed about the delay than we are, but the episode should be all the better for it.

Also, I’ll take this opportunity to tell you that the site will be more content-heavy between the release of episodes two and three.  There will definitely be some fun stuff for you guys to check out (maybe even a video) while you guys wait.

Gone Fishin’

No, not us. These here guys. Here’s a little screenshot from Episode Two: Dirty Deeds. As of now, things are actually slightly ahead of schedule, and we are working on it quite diligently, though we did give ourselves a small break after the completion of Episode One.

We’ll let you know more about when you should expect it when we’re closer to completion.

Just click on the pic to see it nice and pretty sized.

Leeroy and Westheimer

Who they is?


I promised a treat for everyone that continued to check our website. And that treat is now.

One of our goals for The Leet World is to be a site that is constantly delivering content. Sometimes that will be just through updating our blog, but we think that’s a little boring. I’m talking about things like screenshots, behind-the-scenes footage, special videos, and even audio outtakes, which is what I’m posting right now.

Now, as I said before, this is just a nice little treat for you guys- it probably won’t happen every episode. But, rest assured, if you come check this page out a couple of times a week, you’ll always have something to look forward to.

So, if it tickles your fancy (and if it tickles anything else I don’t want to know), check out our Episode One audio outtakes:


Leave comments or discuss it in the forums, if you like. Enjoy!

A Case of the Mondays

Good news!

After getting together and watching a new cut of Episode 1, we’ve decided that we will launch our website and first episode this coming Monday, August 6th. We’ve been planning on this date for awhile, but now we know that we can hit it successfully.

On Sunday night/ Monday morning, this blogspot will redirect you to www.smoothfewfilms.com, where you can find the link to the episode. It will be available in a variety of sizes, which is sure to please both the Hi Def and ipod lovers alike. Keep spreading the word about The Leet World, and remember, go sign up for our forum until then!

The Leet World (forum) needs you!

As we’ve been saying, the release of our site and first episode approaches, and as such, we are attempting to to put together something of a community for the people that stumble into our path. For those of you who are checking up on the process of the show, feel free to head on over to The Leet World Forum, and help us test everything as we get ready. Register, start some topics, interact with us, and that way we’ll have the board somewhat populated in anticipation of the release.

Also, stay tuned, since tomorrow we’ll be announcing the date that our first episode launches.

Closing In…

Well, production on the first episode of The Leet World continues, and there has definitely been a learning curve as we figure out how to get everything to look the way we want. Trying to negotiate a game engine with new equipment (hi def brings its own set of challenges) has been a fun experience, and we’re making headway everyday. For a quick idea of what we’re dealing with, we’re posting some shots of our set-up.

At one point, we had 7 computers in here. We really need an office or something. We’ll keep you guys posted about the progress- as of now we’re finished filming and doing audio- all that’s left is editing ,minor tweaks, and getting some music laid in. Thanks for all the support so far, and keep spreading the word about The Leet World.

Filming the First

For those of you checking on the status of The Leet World, you should know that filming on Episode 1 is currently underway, and moving along quite well. While we are going to keep things under wraps for the time being, you should know that some great things are happening as far as the look of the show…We are currently both filming and capturing at a native 720p resolution- that’s right, things will be very pretty. And it looks awesome. Here’s a screenshot, if you’re not convinced. You should notice our logo in the lower right hand corner, as well as the fact that in comparison to the way we’re shooting the show now, the trailer looks crude. Next week, we’ll post some pictures of the production process, and maybe another screenie or two.