Category Archives: Screenshots

The Standoff: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

Another screenshot from The Leet World Season 3. This time, Montrose finds himself in a rather precarious situation. Who are these masked CSGO baddies? What do they want? And just how is Montrose going to get out of this predicament? Perhaps his boots will have some part to play.

The world may never know. *

*The world will totally actually know, when the episode featuring this scene is released.

leet world season 3 screenshot montrose

“You think you can take on four men… all by yourself?”

Leet World Season 3: The Bros Are Back



We got a new screenshot for you, this time of everyone’s favorite bros. The first two* episodes of the season are appropriately titled “Reunion,” as they primarily deal with getting The Leet World cast back together to deal with <secrets>. I still get kind of giddy seeing the characters together again. In some ways it’s like they never left that weird spot in my brain reserved for Leet World.

Hope you all feel the same when you see it.

Leet World Season 3: Chet and Player

The Bros Are Back

More to come.

*episodes subject to change because reasons

The Trio: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

Here we go, ladies and gents. Another Leet World Season 3 screenshot. This one is actually from Episode 2, and shows a gathering of more than one character you might recognize. One of them is a sassypants, and the other loves burros.

Leet World Season 3 Episode 2

Things are still progressing, although a bit slowly at the moment since my wife and I (hi, Diane) just had our second little girl and Daniel is off in Japan having samurai sword fights. We hope to have a bit of a teaser ready for you guys in the near future, where you can actually see some of these guys both walking and/or talking. Maybe even both at the same time!


First Look: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a screenshot of an upcoming episode of The Leet World. We’ve been keeping mum on the show as much as we can since it’s still quite a ways out, but we’re starting to hit that point where we can give you guys a few glimpses and teases. Part of that is due to the nature of working in a new medium — we’re still trying to work out some of the kinks of Source Filmmaker. And part of that is we want to do as much as we can to make the show still feel like Leet World even though the characters are capable of new things, like karate chops.

Speaking of. Episode 1’s got a few familiar faces in it, and Leeroy just happens to be one of them. He’s mighty concerned about something.

Leet World Season 3 Episode 1: Leeroy

Web Zeroes Season 2 is Go

I know I said I’d update more, but my life is a bit of a mess right now, and I mean that in the absolute best way possible. Between work, writing for Web Zeroes, writing for GamerSushi, a powerful need to play Mass effect 2, doing some more personal writing, and my obsession with Lost’s final season, I’ve been a tad MIA lately.

However, the good news is that we started filming Season 2 of Web Zeroes last weekend, and so far, so good. I even brought some screenshots to prove it. I’m loving the look of the new footage we’ve shot on Daniel’s sexy new Canon 7D. It’s a great camera. Take a look and see for yourself.

Web Zeroes S201 Web Zeroes S201-2

We’re going to start on Episode 2 this weekend, and will keep hitting the grind until sometime during the Summer. The show starts in March, so it’s not too much longer before you guys will get to see what we’re working on.

In the meantime, who’s played Mass Effect 2? I kind of love it.


filmThis weekend marked the second time that Smooth Few Films has been together in the 2 years since The Leet World started, and we had ourselves a good time. A hard, busy, working-like-burros time, but a good time nonetheless. Mr. Dangerous, Jace Ford himself, flew down from California to bring his expertise and his music to the new project and the finale. Our webmaster and co-writer JJ also drove in from Austin.

We used the holiday weekend to beat the new project like it stole something from us (ex: our lives), putting in four consecutive twelve hour work days. We also talked Final Fantasy 7, video game music, argued about making a cooler of beer look awesome, and ate lots of queso.

Signing deals means deadlines, and we are rushing like crazy to meet them. In all honesty, we probably shouldn’t be working on the TLW Finale at all to make sure that we hit these mystical lines of death, but we are doing so whenever we can spare an instant, just for you guys, since we think you’re cool. We’ve barely been able to make much progress on it in the last two weeks. That being said, the Finale should be out some time next week. Or at least, that’s what we’re gunning for. Feel free to woot.

If you’re curious about what our weekend looked like, hit the jump to see some pictarz of our SFF Reunion. Jace is the wild one that looks like an animal.
Continue reading

Screenshot World, Yeah

Thanks for all of the congratulatory posts regarding our news from last week. I really wish I could tell you guys some more, but unfortunately, that cat has to remain in the bag for just a little while longer. All I can say is that this new project is already starting to eat up all of our time, and will continue to do so for months to come. Funny enough, we are managing to put one time sucker to rest in exchange for a shinier one.

It is impacting the series finale (and already affected Episode 13) in a few ways, mainly in that it’s taking longer to make. We’re getting pretty close to being done filming it completely, and as I said before, I’ll let you guys know when we’re about a week away from release.

In the meantime, check out some new screenshots. They contain images of machinima ownage and dudes shooting at other dudes.

tlw214_ss4 tlw214_ss5 tlw214_ss6

Also, has anyone seen District 9? I’m planning on going this weekend and I keep hearing great things. I have a condition where I ache to see awesome sci-fi action, and the movie appears to be able to scratch my itch in a meaningful way.

The Dog Days

Texas Summers are like living on some distant star. The boiling, the heat, the humidity (for us Houstonians, anyway)… it just wears a man down to his bones, or whatever other endoskeleton that is used to construct geeks like ourselves. In the midst of all of that, we’re still toiling away at the final episode of TLW, one scene at a time.

Some of you may have noticed that there’s been a bit of radio silence for the last few weeks. There are a few reasons for that. Part of it is that there has been some vacationing going on, and another is something that we hope to tell you about soon. Still another part is that Episode 14 is the Godzilla of episodes. It is obese. All others bow before it. That hyperbole simply means that it is big.

I’d say we’ve got about a third of it left to film, but it’s the hard third (that’s what she said), so take that with a grain of salt. When we’re nearing about a week from release, we’ll let you know. It’s not that time yet, good sirs.

Maybe these screenshots will tide you over, but probably not.

tlw214_ss1 tlw214_ss2 tlw214_ss3

Feel free to speculate. Thanks for sticking around to see this thing through with us, dudes. You’re kind of awesome in that way.

Episode Wranglers

I know I’ve said it before, but the general rule around here is that the more busy we are, the quieter we tend to be. Coming up on the twelfth episode of Season 2 is no exception. With Daniel still out of town and gallivanting around movie sets like some cinema cowboy, we’re left scrambling to finish the season. But it’s a good kind of scramble. Like eggs.

It’s hard to believe there are just a couple more episodes left, but that’s the way we roll, I guess. Thanks to you dudes that have stuck it out so far for this absurd machinima. Anywho, here are some screenshots from the next episode.

tlw212screen1 tlw212screen2 tlw212screen3

That last one is a major tease, am I right?

Dude Council

lotrA huge thanks to all of you TLW-ites who watched and commented on Episode 10, Wake Me Up Before You Go. Some mighty wild things happened in that episode, things we’ve been planning for quite some time. We’ll hopefully get into that more in the next couple of days (once a few more of you have had a chance to watch it), and have some cool character discussions.

Daniel’s out of town right now, but Nick and I have been working diligently to keep the machine moving. Currently, we’re in the midst of several things such as faceposing, Hammer-ing and editing Episode 11. Also, I’m working on getting a final draft for Episode 12. It’s certainly both madness and Sparta, but I think it helps that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The next episode is interesting in that it’s kind of the “Council of Elrond” episode. Lots of information. Maybe you understand that nerdy reference, maybe you don’t. Either way, here are some screenshots.

tlw211screenshot1 tlw211screenshot2 tlw211screenshot3

Spooky, scary. In other news, I plan to get some outtakes done soon, but the last couple of episodes have been faceposer/Hammer heavy, and I figured you would all appreciate me helping get the episodes out faster rather than working on those. And yes, those things are mutually exclusive.