Tag Archives: episode 8

We’re in the Future!

We are now in 2008. Where are my flying cars and robots? Nowhere. The future is lies, I’ve decided.

In honor of this new year, I bring to you more gifts, tidings, etc. First, we’ve been hearing that some people want the lolcat picture from the holiday special…


Second, I have the audio outtakes from Episode Eight. Funny stuff. To me, one of the best parts is when I’m doing the voice of the combine soldier (pre-effects, of course), and I slip into doing Cortez. I kind of freaked out when I did it, because it was so sudden. Also, every time Nick goes off in the “Chet” persona, it’s always hilarious. Give it a listen.


Happy New Year, dudes!

If You Want Blood

We now present Episode Eight of The Leet World, “If it Bleeds”. This marks the halfway point of our season and is the midseason finale, of sorts. We’ll be taking a few weeks off from making episodes to get ready for the next half of the season, and taking some steps to ensure that the show just gets better and better. But, as always, there will be plenty of extra treats for you guys over the next few weeks, as we’ll have time to get some cool bonus content on here. And I promise you you’ll want to look at it. Trust me.

Click here to digg the episode!

We’d like to thank you guys for being loyal visitors and fans, and it’s your participation and eagerness that makes this all the more fun. Smooth Few Films definitely couldn’t do this without your support. It’s been a great ride so far- here’s to more!

Enjoy! Also, be sure to keep voting for our Ziddio contest entry– today is the last day to vote!

You, You Got What I Need

Things have been going well with the release of “The Over-Achiever”! If you’re here for it, just scroll down.

But now, on to our pride and joy, The Leet World- the release of Episode Eight is upon us- it’ll be here in the next day or two, so “get your popcorn ready”, to quote the lovable Mr. Owens. It’s actually going to be the biggest episode yet (clocking in at around 12 minutes as of now), so get your bandwidth ready, too.  Remember, we’ll be taking a short break from making actual episodes of the show once Episode Eight is released, but there will be some great post-Christmas presents for you guys!

One other thing- so far, things are going well with the Ziddio contest we entered (using our Halo 3 video)- but we still need more votes! The winner of this contest gets some nifty prizes, including some great opportunities to show your videos to more and more people.

It would really help us out if you would take the time to go vote. All you have to do is register at Ziddio.com, and then click here to go to our video, and give it a good rating! We’re not asking you all to make multiple accounts or down-vote other videos or anything, so please don’t do that- giving us a good vote will be more than enough to do your part.

Update Time!

Well, we are still hard at work on Episode Eight. And when I say hard, I mean it. This week was the most rigorous week we’ve had as far as Smooth Few Films goes, so it’s been pretty nuts. While we’re not keen on giving out release dates (any number of things can cause a delay when working on an episode), it should be here at some point next week. We’ll give you more when we have a better idea.

There won’t be reason to stop showing up, though, because our Halo short will be up in the next day or two! This is pretty exciting for us, and we think that you guys should enjoy it. Now if you’re wondering to yourself “What? Why have they been doing this Halo thing instead of TLW”, it’s because we are submitting it to a contest that ends this week. In addition to that, this realistically delayed the release of Episode Eight by less than a day, because it was worked on at points when all 3 of us could not be together to film TLW stuff. So no worries.

In the meantime, here’s some notable gaming news from the last few days: Companion Cubes are on Sale, Crysis Rocks Trip Vid Cards, A Bajillion in the Warhammer Beta, Big Damn NES Controllers/PC’s are Awesome, and New Fixes and Maps are Coming to TF2!

Edit:  Companion cubes are already sold out!  Guess I’m not the only one who needs a fuzzy friend.

Super Fun Screenshot Day

Here are some more screenshots from Episode Eight. The more we film it the more we’re realizing just how gigantic this episode is. Fun stuff.

Ahmad in the middle… There he is! Back in the woodshed

Also, a couple of small peeks at our Halo 3 short. Last night was our first time filming in the Halo 3 engine, and it’s fairly interesting to try and apply our methods in another “location”. Some of the stuff that works in TLW didn’t work here, and in some ways it’s easier. We’re pretty happy with how it looks, though. Capturing at 720p is hot.

The Over-Achiever The friendly strangers

More on that project soon, but not today. Just screenies today. Enjoy!

Best Laid Plans…

All is still going well on the production of Episode Eight. I’ve even brought some screenshots, as an early holiday gift. I’m pretty generous like that. If you couldn’t tell from the last episode, there will be some major poo going down.

Episode Eight will be our mid-season “finale”, marking the halfway point of our first season of The Leet World. We’ll be taking a break after its release for about a month or so, in order to gear up for the second half of the season and really do some solid work for the next batch of episodes. In that time that we take off, there will still be a lot to keep you guys coming back though, so don’t worry. There will be plenty of extras (a Christmas present, perhaps?), as well as a look into some other things that we’re getting our hands in right now, including an upcoming Halo 3 short. That break should give you guys plenty to look forward to as far as the show goes, that’s for sure.

A Confrontation On the Hunt A Message

Enjoy, feel free to speculate, and please donate!