Lots going on in these parts of the webisphere. We’re hard at work on the Season Finale of The Leet World, pushing through to get it done in a timely and awesome manner. I know that last week I said it would be coming out in two installments on our website. Well, sometimes I’m a lying liar.
Fact of the matter is, the episode is getting so big and burly that we’re having to add another installment to it, meaning that the finale is going to be an epic three part release. Each part will come one week after the next, meaning you get three straight weeks of episodic bliss. You may be thinking to yourself, “huh?”, but trust me, it’ll be a lot of fun this way. Seriously, this thing keeps growing like some sort of digital black hole that consumes all in its path. Not even roflcopters can escape its mighty pull. And they are web vehicles of the fastest sort.
Below are the first screenshots of the Season Finale. Lots of dudes and things.
Remember to vote for the Themetacular Challenge! There may or may not be lulz coming later this week. Lulz is code for Episode 13 audio outtakes, if you’re wondering. It’s not a very good code.