Category Archives: Extras

Title Sequence is Titley

Seriously. Horde mode on Gears of War 2 is ruining my life. And I mean that in the best way possible. Also, I checked out the Left 4 Dead demo, and left some impressions on GamerSushi… I was a little underwhelmed by it, but it was still lots of fun. I mean, it’s Valve, so you know it’s good.

This is basically just a quick update to show you guys a little screen grab from the title sequence Daniel is working on for Season 2 of The Leet World. It features the lovable Westheimer, striking a sexy pose.

Keep in mind this is a work in progress, and I’d like to remind you how the Web Zeroes title sequence changed from the original screenshot I showed way back when. Anywho, feast your eyes upon it and be teased.

And speaking of Web Zeroes, Episode 2 of that will be up before you know it. Or maybe after. I can never tell. We’re sneaky that way.

Premiere Pics

We appreciate all of the comments on the Season 2 teaser/Halloween message/release announcement thing we put out. Glad you guys are enjoying the ride leading up to the second season. Trust me, we are too. We’ve had some bumps, but now everything is running smoothly. Much thanks to Lord Ned for the assistance with some of my Hammer frustrations.

And while I’m thinking about it, I have some screenshots from Episode 1 of Season 2. Enjoy!

I know that some of you are having problems logging in. That comes from some pretty hardcore caching we’ve got set up on the site- all you need to do is just refresh the page (try it more than once if you need to) and it should help.

There’s a cool new post up on GamerSushi, titled “5 Features That More Shooters Need”. Thought you guys would like it since I mention some Counter-Strike in there.

Also, the dudes over at The Duo Group have just put out a new Gears of War machinima, as well as the guys over at LitFuseFilms. It seemed appropriate to mention these in honor of the hallowed Gears of War 2, which I will be beating like it stole something later this week.

Happy Novemberween, 2008 Edition

Wow, I’ve said it before, but lots of thanks to everyone who has been supporting us by purchasing the TLW Season One Soundtrack. It was a labor of much love by Jace. I think the coolest thing of all is that the people that are buying it seem to love it in a totally passionate want-to-touch kind of way.

All of that aside, it’s been a long time since you’ve all seen or heard any shred of information concerning the whereabouts of one Mr. Adam Sizlewski (AKA Sizzler). Well, I figured I’d bring along a little teaser for Season 2 of The Leet World which finally reveals his location, and maybe ties up a few loose ends on the way.

Also, it tells you when to expect Season 2. Try not to hyperventilate, but it’s cool if you are, I am too. Video after the jump!

Continue reading

Moving On Up

Last night, we filmed the first scene of Season 2 of The Leet World. Pretty wild. Of course, we would have gotten more done, except we were having all kinds of technical issues with the capture card and with the camera computer. But hey, I guess that means it’s business as normal, eh? Wouldn’t be TLW if there wasn’t a bunch of complications. Now that the dust is all cleared out, we should be off to the machinimaking races.

I can’t wait to show you guys some proper screenshots, and you should start getting some of those next week, once we have some things we can really display. For now though, I have brought some teasers…

Looks like somebody’s got a bit of an upgrade…

Have fun with that. Also, I just put up an article at GamerSushi titled “Are we Really Ready for the Next Gen?”. You guys should check it out, and I would appreciate it if you could Digg it, too, for those of you who enjoy it. I’d heart you forever. Or at least for today.

Preview the Soundtrack!

I thought I’d post to let you guys know that Jace (aka DamnDangerous) has put up a preview of 2 songs from the TLW Season One Soundtrack, due out in the next couple of weeks. I know we’ve been promising this thing for awhile, but getting everything in order is a lot more complicated than we thought, and the album got all the time it needed to be as excellent as possible.

The two songs are on Jace’s myspace page. One is titled “If It Bleeds”, which is from Episode 8 during the hunt of the Domination Man, and the other is called “The End of all Things” which is from part 3 of the Season Finale. He has remixed and fleshed out both of these tracks from their original small bits from the episodes and turned them into fully realized songs.

Remember, this is just a preview, so you won’t be able to download them until we start selling the album. Trust me when I say it’ll be worth it.

Each of the songs that Jace chose for the soundtrack has gotten similar treatment (10 songs in all plus 3 additional versions of the theme), so you can trust me when I say it freaking rocks. Expect a full track listing and price details in a week or so.

Go listen!

TLW: Episode 3 Commentary

So, here’s the commentary for Episode 3 of The Leet World, which we were finally able to record when Daniel got back. Pardon some of the audio levels, there were a few mic issues, forcing us to record it the way we would a podcast, rather than what the last commentaries sounded like.

On the plus side, it is now attached to the video of Episode 3, so no worries on playing it yourself in time with the audio file. We might get around to the first two eps eventually, but there definitely wasn’t time to do it over the weekend. This whole commentary thing has been trial and error for us, that’s for sure. I think the Ep 4 commentary will be perfect.

So listen/watch, comment and enjoy. Don’t worry if you don’t see any video at first, it doesn’t start til a few seconds in.

The TLW House

Thanks for the cool response that you guys gave to the G.R.I.E.F. trailer. I’ve got to say, the general excitement people showed for it was pretty sweet. We’re looking forward to doing a few episodes of G.R.I.E.F. while we continue to recharge and prepare for Season 2 of The Leet World.

The Web Zeroes Pilot should be hitting at some point next week, as well as some other cool TLW extras. Also, PAX is this weekend, and I really can’t wait, but more on that later.

It occurred to me that some of you dudes would be stoked to have a couple of the maps that we film on. Nothing too exciting, just thought you’d like to have them. So, here you go- simply download these and then stick them into your cstrike/maps folder:

TLW House
Death Room

Edit: For those of you wondering, the TLW House is an edited Militia map with no hosties, no time limit, no cars in the garage and Leeroy’s Lair. Also, that map probably won’t work in GMod if you don’t have CSS, but the Death Room should be just fine.

G.R.I.E.F. Trailer

In a world overrun with hoodlums, criminals and vagabonds— griefers — one government agency rises to take a stand against an abomination that threatens the very existence of Matchmaking.

This is a trailer for our new Halo mini-series that should be hitting next month, titled, as you all know, G.R.I.E.F. It’s going to be an action/comedy series with a heavy emphasis on the action. We’re excited about it, and you should be too.

Stay tuned to the site for some more cool announcements and extras this week (some of it TLW related) that you definitely don’t want to miss. Huzzah!

Edit: Much thanks to Burnie from Rooster Teeth for the shout out. You all should go check out Ep 12 of Reconstruction.

Things to Come…

So in two weeks, Daniel and I will be flying out to Seattle to partake in PAX. For those of you don’t know, PAX is the Penny Arcade Expo and it is a glorious celebration in gaming and gamers. There will be a number of awesome things to do, including seeing Rooster Teeth, Jonathan Coulton, a bevy of unreleased games and hours of other fine entertainments. To check out the full line up of the nerdery, click here. Looks wild.

Anywho, we’re busy fist-pumping about that, and excited to get out there and say hey to some folks. Other things we’re excited about include Web Zeroes, which is now getting closer to completion. In addition, we’re nearing the launch of our new site(s) as well as the trailer for GRIEF, part of which was filmed tonight.

Much thanks to all you dudes who participated. Some screenies:

Idle Hands…

Det. Dawson, Case File No. 14113

Back to Square One. I might have to go off the books for the next few weeks. Something doesn’t add up here. Finally logged Exhibit B, but it seems rather inconsequential to me. Traced the call back to a warehouse in Italy but all that was left there was dust and echoes.

Exhibit B (Sizlewski’s answering machine)

Probably just some kids screwing around, or some bored workers.