Category Archives: Extras

Episode Wranglers

I know I’ve said it before, but the general rule around here is that the more busy we are, the quieter we tend to be. Coming up on the twelfth episode of Season 2 is no exception. With Daniel still out of town and gallivanting around movie sets like some cinema cowboy, we’re left scrambling to finish the season. But it’s a good kind of scramble. Like eggs.

It’s hard to believe there are just a couple more episodes left, but that’s the way we roll, I guess. Thanks to you dudes that have stuck it out so far for this absurd machinima. Anywho, here are some screenshots from the next episode.

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That last one is a major tease, am I right?

Dude Council

lotrA huge thanks to all of you TLW-ites who watched and commented on Episode 10, Wake Me Up Before You Go. Some mighty wild things happened in that episode, things we’ve been planning for quite some time. We’ll hopefully get into that more in the next couple of days (once a few more of you have had a chance to watch it), and have some cool character discussions.

Daniel’s out of town right now, but Nick and I have been working diligently to keep the machine moving. Currently, we’re in the midst of several things such as faceposing, Hammer-ing and editing Episode 11. Also, I’m working on getting a final draft for Episode 12. It’s certainly both madness and Sparta, but I think it helps that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The next episode is interesting in that it’s kind of the “Council of Elrond” episode. Lots of information. Maybe you understand that nerdy reference, maybe you don’t. Either way, here are some screenshots.

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Spooky, scary. In other news, I plan to get some outtakes done soon, but the last couple of episodes have been faceposer/Hammer heavy, and I figured you would all appreciate me helping get the episodes out faster rather than working on those. And yes, those things are mutually exclusive.

The Most Wonderful Time…

e3I think E3 week is probably one of the coolest times of the year. It’s like Christmas, but for nerds. If you’re unaware or have been living under Nick’s beard, E3 is a massive video game expo that happens around June. There’s nothing like hearing all the gaming news and announcements such as Left 4 Dead 2, Halo: Reach and then some. If you aren’t aware of what you missed today, you should definitely go catch up.

In other news, the next post on this fair site will be the long-awaited Episode 10 of Season 2. The Leet World’s got a few watershed episodes, and I believe this to be one of them. I can’t wait for you guys to see it. Don’t punch yourself waiting for it, though.

Daniel’s out of town for the next few weeks or so, but Nick has been busy editing while I move forward on Episode 11 assets. In the meantime, here are some last-minute screenshots of Episode 10 to hold you over until the big release.

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You have been teased.

Battle Royale

bruce-willisIf you follow us on twitter, then you’d know that Episode 10 is shaping up to be a beast of a different sort. Imagine a hulking brute that spits acid and isn’t intimidated by Nick’s beard and then you know what you’re dealing with. It is unruly and grotesque. In a good way.

Anywho, part of the reason for this is that it has quite a humongous action sequence in it, and before I get carried away with superlatives, I will just say that it might own you. We’re big fans of action films (if you can’t tell), so this is always a treat for us. By the way, the picture is from Die Hard, so if you haven’t seen it, I might ban you. Welcome to the party, pal.

Here are some screenshots from Episode 10. I had to work very hard to find ones that don’t give anything away. There’s just way too much to spoil.

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Hope you enjoy the tease.

The Subtractions

tlw208We don’t really have deleted scenes in our episodes all that often, but once in a blue moon it happens. There are a few reasons for this. I’m a strong believer that in our show, scenes should do three things:

  • Advance the story
  • Build characters
  • Have lulz

While it’s not possible to accomplish all three things in each and every scene, we hope to have at least two, and if nothing else, just one. When a scene has none of those 3 things, then it usually just gets axed, never to see the light of day. And trust me, that’s for the better.

However, there are other times when we cut scenes simply because YouTube sucks, and only allows us to put up 10 minute videos with our account (certain accounts allow you to do more if you’ve signed up before a certain date, but we were late to the YouTube party). We could split the video in two for them and deliver you guys a longer one, but it becomes such a pain in the ass to do this.

This is where you guys get screwed a little, and that’s mostly due to many of the kind folks over at YouTube being unable to grasp the concept of checking our profile page for the second video. Seriously, I don’t know how some of them even turn on their computers (if you’re here from YouTube, you are not included in this group, since you are clearly of a superior intelligence). Luckily, this has only affected just a couple of episodes throughout the entire series.

Anywho, Episode 8 of Season 2 had a couple of scenes cut for this very reason. One of them was filmed and one wasn’t. Check them out after the jump.
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Somewhere Over the Outtakes

mic2That’s where the lulz live.

Here are the audio outtakes from Episodes 5 and 6 of Season 2. I was going to include 7, but to be honest, there was plenty of goofy material for me to use, so Episodes 7 and 8 will be lumped together in a couple of weeks.

As always, lots of us goofing around in our absurd character voices, some movie quotes, and even some singing numbers to boot. In particular, I’m a fan of Ben discovering the “investigating each other’s privates” line as he’s reading it, and instantly cracking up. Many of you don’t know this, but the dude actually delivers his lines cold, with no prior knowledge of the script, which makes his voice work doubly impressive if you ask me.

Anyways, here are the outtakes. Right click and select “save as” to download.

In other news, Episode 8 is coming out next week. Wewt.


eightProduction on Season 2, Episode 8 is rolling along pretty smoothly. It’s always funny when we do a big monster episode like Tempest and then things settle down a bit, making the episode much easier to film. The episode itself is going to be a shorter one, but that doesn’t mean it’s not chock full of goodness.

Sometime in the next few days you should expect some outtakes from Episodes 5-7. They will contain a couple of rofls, I hope. While we have gotten better about recording our stuff without many goof-ups, it’s three episodes worth of content, so it should balance out.

Also, here are some screenshots from Episode 8 for you to chew on.

Player's Trek Sleeping Amigo Authority Challenged


Even Darker Nights

hype-train1Episode 7 should be gracing your monitors at some point next week, and we couldn’t be more excited. I’m not trying to get the hype train going overboard or anything, but I’ll admit that I’ve been looking forward to this episode since we started working on the season. When you’re working on a long term project like this, it takes a Herculean effort to not get ahead of yourself when you’ve got cool things down the road. I think we’ve done a decent job of it so far.

Anywho, some surprises are in store for the cast (and you dudes) in Episode 7, to say the least. You might pick up on one or two through the screenshots, or maybe there’s nothing there at all and I just want to make your brains hurt. Both of these things are possible.

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Know About Your Desktop

Thanks for all the responses on Know About It from this weekend, we’re glad that you guys enjoyed it. Our goal this season is to try and get a few more TLW shorts out than we did last year, so it was nice to get something like that released. Besides, only Chet can give that kind of a life lesson.

In other news, Episode 6 will be coming later this week. Nick is currently doing some sound design while Daniel and I are working ahead on Episode 7. The last few weeks have been particularly brutal, thanks to this monster called machinima. We’re definitely looking forward to the short time we’ll take off after Episode 7 so we can recharge and get ready for the second half of the season.

Anywho, the other day I mentioned that I’d bring the Know About It theme for your desktop. So, have it.


Also, we’ve got a cool new feature up at GamerSushi about the myth of the “killer” game. Check it out.


The Drunken PSA

We’d like to introduce the first edition of Know About It, the PSA series where Chet teaches you valuable life lessons. In this installment, our party animal discusses the many finer points of Spring Break, and how to survive it like a true bro-fessional.

Hopefully we get to do a few more PSA’s just like this one in the near future. The idea of Chet being an expert on anything at all is kind of funny to us. And maybe just a little bit scary.

See the video after the jump!
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