Tag Archives: smooth few films

Holy Hiatus, Batman

halo-warsMaking a series like TLW takes a crap-ton of time. So whenever we get a reprieve from the insanity of this absurd Counter-Strike: Source machinima, we tend to live it up. I’ve been playing a stupid amount of video games, particularly Halo Wars, Resident Evil 5, and some Killzone 2 for good measure. We even started up a game of D&D with some friends, which I’ve never done before. Nick is a Dwarven Paladin named John Smotetrain, Daniel is an Avenger named Cortez Cardinal, and I’m a Wizard named Tom Shanks. We are questers of the most badass sort.

However, all that free time is gone as of this coming weekend, as we kick up production on Episode 8. We’ll hopefully have a camera there filming the process as we move through some of the episode, and hope to release our “making of” video at some point in the next month or so.

Speaking of, do you guys have any particular piece of the TLW production process that you’re most interested in hearing about? Besides whether or not Nick’s Beard (it must be capitalized out of honor) hinders our ability to puppeteer. Let us know!

Game Changers

stormWe now present to you dudes Season 2, Episode 7 of The Leet World, Tempest. As we’ve said for several weeks, this episode is a game changer, in more ways than one.

It also officially marks the halfway point of Season 2, in terms of the story we’re telling. Does that mean the whole season is going to be 14 episodes? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see how it unfolds.

But just like Episode 8 was a big mile marker last season, this episode is serving the same function. And just like last year, we’re taking a few weeks off to get ready for the back half of this epic season. We need it!

Remember, you can watch a higher res version at the TLW premiere page, or just watch it after the jump!
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Even Darker Nights

hype-train1Episode 7 should be gracing your monitors at some point next week, and we couldn’t be more excited. I’m not trying to get the hype train going overboard or anything, but I’ll admit that I’ve been looking forward to this episode since we started working on the season. When you’re working on a long term project like this, it takes a Herculean effort to not get ahead of yourself when you’ve got cool things down the road. I think we’ve done a decent job of it so far.

Anywho, some surprises are in store for the cast (and you dudes) in Episode 7, to say the least. You might pick up on one or two through the screenshots, or maybe there’s nothing there at all and I just want to make your brains hurt. Both of these things are possible.

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Hanging at SXSW

sxswSo I’ve been at South By Southwest all weekend, and it’s been great. No, I’m not here for SFF stuff, I’m actually here on business for my job. I’ve been hanging out at lots of cool panels about social media and the like. Right now I’m sitting at the Dead Space panel that EA is doing about its cross-over media platforms that they marketed Dead Space with.

I haven’t played the game yet, but I really need to. I’m kind of a big little girl when it comes to playing horror games, and I seriously scream like a fool. I have no doubt that this will be any different when I play Dead Space, but brave those dark corridors I must, for the good of my gaming health. Even at the detriment of my psychological health.

Yesterday I experienced an exciting but strange “first”. Walking around downtown Austin towards my hotel room, I came across the line for the Digg party, and was stopped by two awesome dudes that happened to be Smooth Few Films fans. It was wild that they recognized me, and I probably looked like a dork with my laptop and my rain stuff, but it was really cool to get to talk to some fans face to face. It made my day, and Stephan and Casey were two cool dudes to boot. Thanks, guys.

Also, much thanks for the comments on Episode 6. The ground work has finally been laid for Season 2, and things kind of go into face-rocking mode from here on out, officially.

The Dark Night

As was indicated at the end of the last episode, the storm is gathering for the folks at The Leet World house. We now present to you dudes Episode 6, Thunderhead, for your viewing enjoyment. In this episode, we see the second challenge, which has a slightly different feel than any of the other challenge episodes have had up to this point.

I’m really thinking you guys are going to dig this episode and the next one, which will be out by the end of March. Some cool stuff is going down, and I think you’ll like where it’s all pointing. Remember, you can check out a higher resolution version on the TLW premiere page.

Or, just check the episode out after the jump!
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The List is in the Open

ChickenHere is Episode 5 of Season 2 of The Leet World, Return to Sender. In this episode, a surprise awaits the contestants as the Producer continues to influence the course of the season. And we finally get a glimpse of what the Terrorists have been hiding…

Remember, check out the TLW premiere page for a higher-res version of the episode. If it’s not showing the new ep, just refresh or clear your browser cache. See the episode after the jump!

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The Golden Arcs

l4dFebruary is kind of a weird month, as different people are out of town on different weekends, but we’ll do our best to manage. That’s how we roll.

Been doing some solid TLW work this week, both in Hammer and with some script-writing. In addition, you guys should have some audio outtakes at some point this weekend from the last two TLW episodes.

I’m kind of excited about this. Yay Left 4 Dead DLC and its zombie goodness. When I’m not working on SFF stuff, I’m playing it, or Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3.

When we released Episode 4, I mentioned that this season is being developed in 3-4 episode arcs. Basically, we are making one arc at a time, and trying to stay ahead that way. It’s essentially how we made the finale, as one gigantic episode split into 3 parts. Thinking about this, it made me wonder what everyone’s favorite “arcs” were so far in The Leet World. So, vote and tell us!

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The Bro Down

fightAs promised, here is Season Two, Episode Four of The Leet World, Fight Nubs, ready for your hungry watching eyes. In this episode, we see the ramifications of a certain cast member’s actions, in more ways than one. It’s definitely got some lol-worthy moments, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Be sure to visit the Season 2 premiere page to see a higher-res version of the episode. I’m a big fan of the page, and still love Nick to this day for making it. It helps Season 2 episodes feel more like an event, in my mind, which is exactly what we like. Click here to watch it.

Or if you just want to watch it the normal way, the video is waiting for you after the jump.
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Avatars on SmoothFewFilms

gravatarI’m seeing lots of people with little ghost faces next to their names here, so I figured it was time for another update on how to add pictures to your profile at SmoothFewFilms.

The process is easy. Just go to Gravatar and register for an account with the same e-mail address you used for this site, and you’re good to go. Add a picture to your account there, and it should show up here and any other site that uses Gravatar. It’s seriously the easiest sign up process ever in the history of dude-kind.

It’d be nice to see some shiny new avatars for all of those comments on Season 2, Episode 4 of TLW, which will be here within the next couple of days.

Go forth and register, and be ye anonymous no more.

Traitorous Nerd

portal-turretIs it really almost February? About a year ago at this time, we released the Portal video and got our site shut down by a flurry of visitors, who picked our site clean and left its carcass to dry. And then we moved on to Episode 9 of the first season.

The next episode of Season Two is going to hit in just a few days, so be ready for it. We’re kind of kicking ass production-wise right now. In fact, we’re already doing some pre-production on Episode Six.

Basically, we are slapping episodes with our pimp hands and then riding the wave. Ok, that last stuff isn’t true. Anywho, here’s a poll to ponder in the meantime. Log-in first, and then vote:

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