Tag Archives: the leet world

The Poor Burro

He is muy triste. That means sad. He could tell you a story with his tears.

Somehow over the course of recording the dialogue for the Season Finale (we recorded parts 1 and 2 together, then part 3 a couple of weeks later), the mysterious burro became the brunt of many jokes. Were he real, I assure you his tears would fall like so much chubby rain. Or worse yet, sideways rain.

Anywho, as I said in the last update, there were well over 50 audio tracks to sort out, so the outtakes are about twice as long as usual. Hopefully you have as much fun listening to them as we did being goofballs. Right click and select “save as” to download it.

Warning: Definitely some NSFW tomfoolery on here.


Enjoy. The first commentaries should be hitting the site next week.

That’s No Moon

It’s an update.

Now that the Season Finale has come and gone, I must say we’re pretty pleased with the results. Much thanks to you guys for all the thoughtful comments/ encouragement/ criticism that you left, it was definitely really cool for us to read. It’s nice to be on break for a couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean the content is going to stop. On the burner right now:

  • Season Finale Outtakes

These should be up by the end of the week. I’m going to get cranking on the 50 or so audio files (that’s right, 50) that make up parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Finale. There’s a lot of good stuff in there.

  • Episode Commentaries

Starting next week we’ll be adding episode commentaries by Nick, Daniel and myself. We’ll be doing this every week until we’re finished. There’s a chance you might get one or two eps worth of commentary per week, but I’m not making any promises.

  • Podcast

We really wanted to have one of these ready when the season ended, but Daniel’s absence kept that from happening until now. He gets back in tomorrow. Much celebration will ensue.

There are other assorted surprises that you guys will see soon enough, so don’t go anywhere.

Knocking at Death’s Door

Smooth Few Films proudly presents: the final installment of Season One of The Leet World. Part 3 of the finale, Death Comes Home.

It’s been a wild ride. Thanks for sticking with us through our first season. We’ve learned a ton over the last year, and we hope to put it to good use in future episodes of The Leet World and beyond.

Also, stick around between seasons. There’s more going on than I even listed in our Announcements. For instance, outtakes are coming next week and a ‘making-of” feature is on its way in the near future. And who knows, maybe a special video or two to bridge the story between seasons… You won’t regret staying around.

Read comments at your own risk- there are bound to be full of spoilers.

The End of All Things

To borrow from Frodo (Smooth Few Films), we’re glad that you will be with us, Samwise Gamgee (you dudes), here at the end of all things (the release of part 3 of the Season Finale), or rather, the end of Season One of The Leet World.

That should be tomorrow, by the way. I can’t promise a particular time, it could be morning, it could be later on. But it won’t be today, so lay off the F5 juice.

The final running time is somewhere around 18 minutes, and it’s an action packed mofo on top of all of that. We will spend most of the evening and into the morning hours toiling away, and then Nick leaves me to fly to California for a (much-needed) vacation.

Happy waiting. If you haven’t yet, check out our Announcements about what’s going to be coming after the season is over. Cool stuff.

EDIT: Good lord, dudes, chill. Yesterday I said it would be out at “some point” TODAY. It could be out tonight for all we know. Don’t expect it until much later in the day (it’s early morning right now). And if you don’t what time of day that is for you, google it.

Workin’ for the Weekend

Everybody’s doing it. Well, specifically, Nick and I are doing it.

Unfortunately, with Daniel gone, part 3 of the Finale is taking longer than it was originally going to, meaning that it’s going to get pushed to next week. With the three-day weekend because of Will Smith Day (some would call it Independence Day), we really want to take advantage of that extra time and make sure that this final video of the Season is the way that it should be. Anytime sooner and it just wouldn’t be up to par.

Believe me, if anyone is disappointed, it’s us, because we were gunning to get all three parts up when we said we would. However, all of that was said before we went down a man, and as Chet would say, shit’s changed. Sorry dudes. But know that the finale will be better for it.

For you fellow Americans, don’t get too crazy tomorrow and blow off any of your fingers.

Shady Guests

Smooth Few Films now presents to you awesome people the next edition of The Leet World Season Finale, “Death Comes Home“, Part Two. This installment is the set up for the big conclusion that awaits in the third and final part, coming soon.

Downloadable versions are on their way in the morning. If you missed Part One, you can view it here.


By the way, be careful when reading comments- there are bound to be some spoilers in there.

PAX and Things

Wow, the full line-up for PAX was posted today at Kotaku, and it’s a doozy. It’s cool for us because we’re thinking about going. And if the ECTO-1 is there, I’m all about it. If you’re not aware, PAX is a video game expo put on by the dudes at Penny Arcade, and it’s supposed to rule.

Next week, we’ll be making some fun announcements. Be here.

Oh, and Part Two will be up tomorrow morning. And no, refreshing your browser all night won’t make it come any sooner, you crazy nutters.

After this, all that’s left is Part Three. Wild.


Thanks for the birthday wishes. We’re all growns up, eh?

A couple of updates. First, the Season Finale: Part Two will be up later this week. Missing a team member is slowing down overall production, though Nick and I have achieved some kind of apotheosis of creativity, working at previously unseen levels of efficiency, whirlwinds of pure ass-kickery. Yes, there has been kicking and/or chopping as we work the episode kung-fu.

Much thanks to Mystfit for helping us with some model issues that will make completing the filming of Part Three much simpler. Also, while you’re in the mood for some good machinima, check out Young Street Productions, some new guys that have made what I find to be some pretty funny and clever stuff. Subscribe to both of those dudes. You won’t regret it.

Lastly, I present to you a poll. Voice your thoughts. By the way, I suppose I need to add that this doesn’t affect the show in any way – the ending is set in stone already. I’m just curious to see what people think is going down.

This poll is now closed.

Happy Birthday to Us

Funny how time flies.

One year ago, we released the trailer for The Leet World on our old blogspot. Since then, we’ve devoted the last year to making this show in our free time. The only break we had was for about two weeks in January, and even then we were working on “A Day in the Life of a Turret”, so not really. It’ll be kind of nice when we’re done for the season and I can, you know, play some video games or sleep in on a Saturday.

Since that launch one year ago, we’ve seen some awesome stuff happen. Our community has grown and gotten larger, more than some of you even know. When we started, we would see maybe a few hundred visitors a day, whereas now we see thousands. Hopefully, we’ll just see that growth continue as we keep pressing on in our creative endeavors.

We definitely want to thank you guys yet again for all the support you’ve shown us in the last year. Some of you have been here since the beginning and some of you are fairly new. Either way, we appreciate all that you’ve done, and thanks for watching our goofy show.

Happy Birthday!

A couple of quick updates: there are some cool announcements coming over the next two weeks. Also, we won’t be putting the trailer on our website until we can get music on it that we actually own.