Tag Archives: css

The Writing Process

It seems the trailer has put people in a bit of a frenzy. Always nice.

In case you’re unaware (meaning that you didn’t pay attention to the credits), Episode Nine had a guest writer: our long-time friend and excellent webmaster, Jeff (unsquare for those of you on the forums). I typically write out the scripts for each episode, which can be a tiring process over the course of a season- so I was definitely excited when Jeff started showing an interest in writing an episode for us a few months ago. He’s one of the more talented writers I know, so that was certainly a bonus, too.

Anywho, Jeff has written an article about the process of writing the episode for us, and I must say it’s a good read, especially for those of you who are interested in how the show is put together. Read it: Jeff’s article about The Leet World.

On another note, please don’t start sending us scripts for episodes of The Leet World- we’re fine, thanks.

More updates: 1)Two more screenshots of Episode Ten can be viewed below. 2)The Halo short should be here in the next couple of days.

Cortez, listen… The Elf Kingdom

The Valentine’s Day Trailer

It’s not quite candy and flowers, but it will have to do.

We try to deliver when we say that there are going to be some nice extras, so I bring a gift: a trailer for Episode Ten of The Leet World. Work on the episode is going well, with the bulk of shooting now complete. It should be out at some point next week, barring some calamity of the heavens. Which, if you’ve been around our “studio”, can (and frequently does) happen. In the meantime, there will be plenty of treats for you guys between now and then- our new short is on its way rather soon.

In addition, here’s some gaming news from the week: Is BioWare making a new KOTOR game, Zero Punctuation assembles some SimCity stuff, Pandemic supposedly making a Battlefield/LOTR style game, a ridiculous MGS 3 video, and a huge TF2 Valentine from Valve.

Back in the Saddle

Filming for Episode Ten has begun as of this week and so far things are on schedule. It’s nice to be back in the habit of making the show after so long away from it. Over the break we had a chance to iron out some plot issues, and figure out some things that worked and didn’t work as far as our pacing went for the first half of the season. I think the end result will be that this half feels smoother, more concise, and just better. Here are some screenshots from Episode Ten:

Underground Meeting Stalking Prey If You Build It

Stay tuned for more extras that you won’t want to miss. There might even be a new short waiting around the corner…

Also, check out our official Steam Community Group and join! I don’t know why I’ve never posted on the site about it before, so forgive me for being a moron.

The Workaholics

The wait is finally over! We now present Episode Nine, “Satisfaction Guaranteed“. Over the last month, we’ve taken some time to look at the next half of season one, and how to help improve on the next batch of episodes. We’ve even started looking forward to the future. I think you guys will like what’s in store down the road for The Leet World, and from Smooth Few Films in general.

Click here to Digg the episode!

Also- expect lots of extras in the next week or two.


“Wait” Problem

The long wait is almost over. Episode Nine of The Leet World releases next week! As always, we’re not going to commit to a specific date- but it will be here next week for sure. All of the sweaty palms, fingernail biting, and general fretting will finally be over as you see what becomes of your favorite characters in the next half of Season One. And trust me, we’ve got a lot of great stuff in store for this half.

I figured I’d bring you guys a couple more screenshots to help satiate your appetite, even if just slightly. Also- there might be another special preview of Episode Nine during the weekend. Just saying.

The Break Room Spotlight on Ellis

If you’re interested, here is some rad gaming news from around the internetz: EA Calls Fox Out (this story is so full of drama, I love it), Super Mario 2 is better with drums, a date for GTA IV, kids teabagging kids, and the Wii is set to dominate the Cube.

Shutting Down the WOPR

How about a nice game of chess?

Wow. What a crazy weekend.

As you are no doubt keenly aware, our server got- well- served. Thoroughly. “A Day in the Life of a Turret” has been a huge success, to say the least.  I guess people like them some Portal videos.

Much thanks to Digg, Kotaku, Joystiq, Destructoid, 1Up, Next-Gen, XBox 360 Fanboy, and all the others that pushed massive traffic (read: tens of thousands) to our humble abode, whose walls could not withstand the battering ram of the insatiable, tentacle-ey interweb.

Now that things have slowed down, we are re-hosting what will be forever known around Smooth Few Films as the video. There are a few places to find it.

Click here to see the download links. An Ipod version will appear soon.

GamingTV has kindly hosted some mirrors for us. GamingTV Mirrors!

Expect the Damn Dangerous song to appear on our site tomorrow!

As promised, here are the first screenshots from Episode Nine of The Leet World. Obviously, we’re not going to give much away, though there is a small revelation about the setting. Enjoy!

Nice hat. Phone-ing. Strategery.

The Leet World Podcast, Episode 3!

As promised, the first bit of content is here for your enjoyment, The Leet World Podcast, Episode 3. We answered a few of the questions that people asked on the forums in this podcast, and cover a wide array of topics including: Episode 8, the Domination character, CSS vs Gmod, The Over-Achiever, my addiction to gamer points, creative differences (disagreements), and Daniel’s dislike of dark places. For the most part, it is nothing but TLW content.

All of this clocks in at a fairly reasonable time of under 20 minutes. Give it a listen:


Keep in mind that any “spoilers” or “hints” that we may give about upcoming episodes in the future of The Leet World series are just jokes… or are they?

Check out this thread in the forums to find out more about the questions that we either didn’t have the time to answer, or that we did answer but had to edit for time’s sake.

And, remember, to subscribe to the podcast feed, put this link into your feed reader:


From us to You…

Just like I promised, I have arrived this morning bearing gifts! Well, one gift to be exact. The Leet World Holiday Special! It’s a card, from us to you. Try to imagine it in an envelope in your mailbox. Sure, it’s a couple of days late, but I doubt there will be much complaining about that. Give it a watch. Share it with your friends.

There are also some other versions available for download…

HD Mpeg 4

640 x 360 Mpeg 4

640 x 360 WMV

Remember, there will be plenty of other extras coming in the next couple of weeks. And maybe even another video. Stay tuned!

If You Want Blood

We now present Episode Eight of The Leet World, “If it Bleeds”. This marks the halfway point of our season and is the midseason finale, of sorts. We’ll be taking a few weeks off from making episodes to get ready for the next half of the season, and taking some steps to ensure that the show just gets better and better. But, as always, there will be plenty of extra treats for you guys over the next few weeks, as we’ll have time to get some cool bonus content on here. And I promise you you’ll want to look at it. Trust me.

Click here to digg the episode!

We’d like to thank you guys for being loyal visitors and fans, and it’s your participation and eagerness that makes this all the more fun. Smooth Few Films definitely couldn’t do this without your support. It’s been a great ride so far- here’s to more!

Enjoy! Also, be sure to keep voting for our Ziddio contest entry– today is the last day to vote!

Best Laid Plans…

All is still going well on the production of Episode Eight. I’ve even brought some screenshots, as an early holiday gift. I’m pretty generous like that. If you couldn’t tell from the last episode, there will be some major poo going down.

Episode Eight will be our mid-season “finale”, marking the halfway point of our first season of The Leet World. We’ll be taking a break after its release for about a month or so, in order to gear up for the second half of the season and really do some solid work for the next batch of episodes. In that time that we take off, there will still be a lot to keep you guys coming back though, so don’t worry. There will be plenty of extras (a Christmas present, perhaps?), as well as a look into some other things that we’re getting our hands in right now, including an upcoming Halo 3 short. That break should give you guys plenty to look forward to as far as the show goes, that’s for sure.

A Confrontation On the Hunt A Message

Enjoy, feel free to speculate, and please donate!