Tag Archives: leet world


Sorry for the lack of updates, but I’ve been without Internet for a few days here.

However, I return with some good news. A few weeks ago, we submitted our videos to the Machinima Festival that happens in Novemeber. Well, the results are in: Smooth Few Films has been nominated for several machinima awards!

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Day in the Life of a TurretBest Short Format/ Best Music
  • The Bag BoyBest Short Format/ Best Voice Acting/ Best Writing
  • The Leet WorldHonorary Mention, Best Series

I won’t pretend that we’re not disappointed that The Leet World didn’t get an actual nomination for Best Series, seeing as how hard we’ve worked on it, or that it wasn’t recognized for the incredible music that Jace has continually produced for us. Personally, I still can’t think of another series save for Red Vs Blue that devotes as much as we do to characters and story, but to each his own.

All that said, though, we’re excited to be nominated for what we did get nominated for, and hopefully we can take home some kind of award come November, when the winners are announced.

In other news, production is starting on The Leet World, Season 2, and we filmed the next episode of Web Zeroes over the weekend. Stick around, because more things are coming this week, including commentary for Episode 3 of TLW!

Buy Our Swag

I mentioned we’d have one or two other surprises coming up soon…

Introducing: The Leet World Store, where you can get your first ever TLW shirts!

Right now the selection is pretty limited, but this is just a trial run. Currently, the only colors we can offer are red, white, military green, brown and charcoal for the guys, blue, pink and yellow for the ladies. I’m partial to the green and brown, myself.

It should be noted that since we’re going through Cafepress (for now), any issues you have with ordering, delivery, etc, should be taken up with them.

A quick note about the price/selection of the shirts… Our available merch is going to be limited at first until we get an idea of the demand. If it turns out that there is a big enough demand for these shirts, we should be able to offer a wider selection of shirts (catch phrases, etc) and have more flexibility on pricing. At the moment, we are limited as to what kinds of products we can offer and the pricing points we can set. This is step one in a several step process. Happy browsing!

In other news, Jace is hard at work on the Season One soundtrack, and what I’ve heard is exceptional. In addition, the first episode commentary should be up within a couple of days.

The End of All Things

To borrow from Frodo (Smooth Few Films), we’re glad that you will be with us, Samwise Gamgee (you dudes), here at the end of all things (the release of part 3 of the Season Finale), or rather, the end of Season One of The Leet World.

That should be tomorrow, by the way. I can’t promise a particular time, it could be morning, it could be later on. But it won’t be today, so lay off the F5 juice.

The final running time is somewhere around 18 minutes, and it’s an action packed mofo on top of all of that. We will spend most of the evening and into the morning hours toiling away, and then Nick leaves me to fly to California for a (much-needed) vacation.

Happy waiting. If you haven’t yet, check out our Announcements about what’s going to be coming after the season is over. Cool stuff.

EDIT: Good lord, dudes, chill. Yesterday I said it would be out at “some point” TODAY. It could be out tonight for all we know. Don’t expect it until much later in the day (it’s early morning right now). And if you don’t what time of day that is for you, google it.

Announcing: New Things

I’ve been promising some announcements for several weeks now, so I figured it was time to stand and deliver. I’m no Lou Diamond Phillips, but I think I’ll be ok. Also, you may want to read on to see an interesting tidbit about part 3 of the Season Finale.

Here’s the stuff in the works…

Continue reading

Happy Birthday to Us

Funny how time flies.

One year ago, we released the trailer for The Leet World on our old blogspot. Since then, we’ve devoted the last year to making this show in our free time. The only break we had was for about two weeks in January, and even then we were working on “A Day in the Life of a Turret”, so not really. It’ll be kind of nice when we’re done for the season and I can, you know, play some video games or sleep in on a Saturday.

Since that launch one year ago, we’ve seen some awesome stuff happen. Our community has grown and gotten larger, more than some of you even know. When we started, we would see maybe a few hundred visitors a day, whereas now we see thousands. Hopefully, we’ll just see that growth continue as we keep pressing on in our creative endeavors.

We definitely want to thank you guys yet again for all the support you’ve shown us in the last year. Some of you have been here since the beginning and some of you are fairly new. Either way, we appreciate all that you’ve done, and thanks for watching our goofy show.

Happy Birthday!

A couple of quick updates: there are some cool announcements coming over the next two weeks. Also, we won’t be putting the trailer on our website until we can get music on it that we actually own.

From us to You…

Just like I promised, I have arrived this morning bearing gifts! Well, one gift to be exact. The Leet World Holiday Special! It’s a card, from us to you. Try to imagine it in an envelope in your mailbox. Sure, it’s a couple of days late, but I doubt there will be much complaining about that. Give it a watch. Share it with your friends.

There are also some other versions available for download…

HD Mpeg 4

640 x 360 Mpeg 4

640 x 360 WMV

Remember, there will be plenty of other extras coming in the next couple of weeks. And maybe even another video. Stay tuned!

A Sneak Peek

Since it’s been a few days without any kind of tangible proof that Episode Four is actually coming, we thought we’d give you guys a trailer for it. Hope you enjoy. Should be out sometime next week. Hopefully, there will also be more activity on our server in the coming days- my Steam decided to break so I haven’t been able to play. Soon, though. Soon.


Well, not entirely.  Unfortunately, we ran into some snags when trying to finish out the remainder of episode two, so don’t expect it until tomorrow (Wednesday).  The funny thing about editing something like this is that the last 5 percent of it (tweaking audio levels, making the cuts tighter, throwing in transitions and music between scenes, chopping up dialogue, etc) takes just as long to finish or longer than the first 95 percent.  Believe me, no one’s more bummed about the delay than we are, but the episode should be all the better for it.

Also, I’ll take this opportunity to tell you that the site will be more content-heavy between the release of episodes two and three.  There will definitely be some fun stuff for you guys to check out (maybe even a video) while you guys wait.

On the Set

A brief update on Episode Two: Dirty Deeds…

Last night, we filmed probably our most complicated scene we’ve filmed yet, which requires all 8 characters. The scene’s not super complicated per se, it’s just that there aren’t 8 of us. Lots of manipulation of bots, patience, and bottling up of curses is needed, but we got it done. Also, for some reason, Nick’s “camera” computer decided it didn’t like component signals, so that set us back for awhile. But now, all is ok. So far, the episode is coming along quite well, and we’ll know this weekend exactly when it’s going to be ready.

You should know, though, that we plan to release it at some point next week.

Also, you can now find us on www.machinima.com, under the “Half Life” section. Go vote for us if you like.