Well, not really. The weird thing about this episode is that we actually can’t film during the weekends this month. That means that we’ve acted like real people the last few Saturdays instead of horrid, slobbering cave trolls slaving over PC’s. Typically, our shooting schedule revolves around Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday filming, but due to some out-of-town trips and things called “jobs”, we haven’t been able to.
The goods news is that despite it all, we’re nearly done filming the episode, which means we’re one step closer to its release. As always, I’d love to give you guys a date on when you’ll see it, but any number of factors can affect the timing, so I don’t want you to think of me as a dirty liar. I mean, I am one (though not as big as Nick), but I don’t want you thinking of me like that nonetheless.
While there’s mostly good news to report, I do have to say that there won’t be a character bio this week. I’m not one to make excuses, but my only free night to write it was kind of my wedding anniversary. Slightly more important. They’ll be back next week.
To make up for it, I brought screenshots. Enjoy.

I would also like to remind everyone that the Themetacular Challenge is still ongoing, and will be ending soon. Remember, you don’t have to do The Leet World theme song exactly the same. Change the chords and the arrangement if you like, make it your own, make it different. We take creativity and nom it.
EDIT: We’re extending the contest until May 19th. We have some amazing entries, so be creative and don’t just do the song exactly the same. You don’t have to use Jace’s vocals if you don’t want. You can make it country, hip-hop, whatever floats your boat. Just be creative! If you feel like you want to resubmit based on that rule and you’ve already entered, you have a free pass to send one more back in.