Tag Archives: css

Finale Screenshots

Lots going on in these parts of the webisphere. We’re hard at work on the Season Finale of The Leet World, pushing through to get it done in a timely and awesome manner. I know that last week I said it would be coming out in two installments on our website. Well, sometimes I’m a lying liar.

Fact of the matter is, the episode is getting so big and burly that we’re having to add another installment to it, meaning that the finale is going to be an epic three part release. Each part will come one week after the next, meaning you get three straight weeks of episodic bliss. You may be thinking to yourself, “huh?”, but trust me, it’ll be a lot of fun this way. Seriously, this thing keeps growing like some sort of digital black hole that consumes all in its path. Not even roflcopters can escape its mighty pull. And they are web vehicles of the fastest sort.

Below are the first screenshots of the Season Finale. Lots of dudes and things.

Showdown Planning RLT

Remember to vote for the Themetacular Challenge! There may or may not be lulz coming later this week. Lulz is code for Episode 13 audio outtakes, if you’re wondering. It’s not a very good code.

Player: Meme Man

Wow. Episode 14 is going to be monstrously big. Orca big. Stay-Puft big. So big that it’s going to be an epic two-parter on our website, with the two segments being released a week apart from one another. And when we defeat it by crossing the streams, it will fall down on you with marshmallow-y goodness.

The Themetacular music contest is now locked and loaded. I’ll post the finalists (and honorable mentions) on Monday. A heads-up: only registered commenters can vote, and the results aren’t public. We did this to quell any kind of cheating or vote tampering. So if you want to vote, get registered. The Leet World is just like the real world in that way.

We’ll be doing audio for Episode 14 tonight. A big audio pow-wow, as it were. Screenies are coming this weekend, and even some audio outtakes for Episode 13 are on the horizon, as well.

And now, the bio that you’ve all been dying for. This week, we take a look at the life of Player. Sort of.

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Flaw and Disorder

So here we are, the release of Episode 13, “The Brothers Cardinal“. This is the calm before the storm, and there’s just one more episode to go before this season of The Leet World comes to an epic close. There’s a lot of intrigue here, and I think you guys will be happy to get a few questions answered.

Downloadable versions are available here. Happy watching.

Click here to Digg it!

Chet: Living Extra Hard

I can’t write this update and not talk about Grand Theft Auto IV, which so far is turning out to be nearly as good as all the reviews have depicted it. I’ve got to say I’m surprised that none of the coverage I’ve read has mentioned the slightly clunky controls. While they don’t detract from the overall greatness of the game, they do deserve to be noted.

Needless to say, I attended the midnight launch the other night with Daniel and Kerry. There’s something magical about standing in line with other nerds. It reminded me of every other midnight gaming event I’ve stumbled through, and while I briefly felt shame, I know that I’d wait in line again for that PS2, Wii, etc.

On the subject of midnight launches, our Halo short arrives later this week. You’ll understand that transition once you’ve seen it.

As promised, a new challenger enters the ring with his bio this week. Switching back to the Counter-Terrorists, we’ll be taking a look at the life of Chet.

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House Cleaning

So today we knocked a big chunk of filming for Episode Thirteen out of the park, claiming it as our property in celebration not unlike a young boy named Stephen once did. Yes, there was some collective Smooth Few Films squatting. Maybe one of the least problems-free days in our short history of production.

Nick upgraded the “camera” computer that we use to film the show, complete with an 8800 GT. Needless to say, our characters are colorful and smooth and it definitely enhances the look of everything. I even brought some screenshots to prove it.

The Interrogation. T3h RIVAR Delegation

Pretty nice, eh? In case you guys haven’t been around, a lot went down the last two weeks. I’ve put together a list of some important posts to make it easier to navigate.

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Duels, Fates and Phantoms

We now proudly present to you dudes and dudettes that visit our site, Episode 12 of The Leet World, “Attack of the Noob“. Once you watch it, you’ll realize that I wasn’t kidding when I said this one was going to be a big one. Mondo big.

After this, there will be just two more episodes before the end of the season, making for a total of 14 episodes. Season 2 will resume in the Fall along with our insanity and lack of a social life. But don’t worry, over the next few weeks we’re going to start talking about our summer plans, and what kinds of cool stuff you can expect. The plans may or may not involve lollerskates.

Downloadable versions and YouTube will be up in the morning.

Enjoy! And remember to click here to digg it.

A Disturbance in the Force

Soon, thousands of refresh buttons will cry out in terror…

That’s because Episode Twelve hits tonight (Monday) or tomorrow morning (Tuesday). Nick and Daniel put in a monster day yesterday to plow through most of the episode, and we’re on the home stretch. We’ll do whatever we can to make sure that you dudes are watching it tonight, but the empire knows we’re coming, and we are just a small rebel squadron.

Give Han more time — he won’t let you down.

Eye Candy

Episode Twelve is coming within a week. Unfortunately, I can’t give any more details than that, but it’s on its way and ready to be watched. If you haven’t had a chance, get to reading Leeroy’s Bio and find out more about your favorite nerd. Some brand new screenies:

Trickeration Eye of the Tiger. Rawr. COMPUDAR!1!

While Daniel and Nick are working their post-production surgery on Episode Twelve, I’m busy putting together (writing, building in Forge, etc) our next Halo short. Here are some early screenies of the location, from the new map “Blackout”.

Moonlit Night Mystery Door

What’s behind the mystery door? Lulz, of course.

Leeroy: A Nerd’s Path

Nick was out of town for the weekend, Daniel had work and I was sick as a dog, but all-in-all, great things still happened on the progress of Episode Twelve. Daniel and I put in an 8 hour day on Saturday and made some stuff happen. There will be some more news in a few days about when you can expect the episode, so I’m sure you’re all ready to hear that. This episode is a big one, that’s for sure.

Also, today’s Daniel’s birthday. He’s old. Not really.

Like I said before, I was pleased with how everyone responded to Ahmad’s Biography last week. Hopefully, this week will be no different. Our next stop on the biography tour is Leeroy.

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Stop – Hammer-Time

Much thanks to those dudes who helped me mess with Hammer over the weekend, especially Lord Ned. Dude went way out of his way to listen to me gripe about it. It’s funny, because all I wanted to do was some simple tweaks to make Militia a little more functional for what we use it for, and in reality I should have done it sooner.

I have to say I’m pleased with how well Ahmad’s Bio has been received by you guys. Truthfully, Nick’s been bugging me to write character bios since, um, forever, but Nick is usually wrong about stuff so I didn’t listen. I’m kidding. Nick is mostly always right so I should have listened long ago. We’ll be adding one of those each week.

Keep cracking on those Themetacular Challenge entries. A few of you have been asking for the vocals, which have been added to the official rules page.

And finally, some new screenshots of Episode Twelve, complete with Leeroy’s Lair, now working in Counter-Strike: Source instead of GMod.

The Circle Is Complete Backdoor-ing Crazy Plans

More extras coming soon.