Category Archives: Extras

And the Winner Is…

Det. Dawson, Case File No. 14113

This was pulled from the entertainment page of this morning’s edition of “The Daily Source”. Filed to archives.

After personally reviewing the surveillance tape submitted by Mr. Wolfe, it confirms that Westheimer was indeed at the TLW house as specified in the report. I thought it seemed too easy. Mugshot filed to archives as well:

Additional Notes: Sizlewski Case

Det. Dawson, Case File No. 14113

Status: Investigation is still in limbo. Have attempted contact with Noonien Corp. on multiple occasions and so far, nothing. Did a drive-by on an old facility but it looked deserted. The letter (Exhibit G) mentioned a relocation, but a whole company doesn’t just up and disappear. I’ve requested to look into this further, but the Captain says to drop it. Perhaps I will pursue this avenue on my own.

Motive: Hard to say. If it’s a kidnapping, what’s the ransom? Loved ones of Sizlewski have not been contacted with any demands. A hit of some kind? Possible, but searches of the surrounding area have so far yielded no clues.

Exhibit D:

Several bullet holes found in the bathroom wall from a Colt M4A1, which was also left on scene. Bullets pried from the wall have partial prints, and several full prints are left on the gun. Forensics said the weapon was fired at a distance of only a few feet away.

Currently running the prints. Should have a match soon.

The Live-Action World


We basically spent all weekend filming Web Zeroes. Our call began at 8:30 am on Saturday and didn’t stop until tonight. I think we got some really solid stuff, but I am just a silly noobito at these things. Much thanks to our friend Chuck who helped us power through all of it. Really couldn’t have gotten it done without him.

A few people have been asking what Web Zeroes is all about. Web Zeroes is a live-action mockumentary (in this case, a comedy show in a documentary style), and it’s coming soon. It’s the story of three ordinary dudes trying to get famous over the Internet. Should be a fun time.

Here are some production photos from the weekend:

Various photos from Saturday, including Chuck holding the HVX200 we used to shoot the episode, Daniel directing me in a scene and Chuck, Nick and I blocking a scene and tweaking the script just before shooting. I take no responsibility for the mammary-ish doodling in the background of the last shot. Well, perhaps some.

And now some raw screenshots, before color correction. The original footage was shot in 720p:

All in all, it was a great weekend. We look forward to updating you guys with more shenanigans in the near future.

The Case of Adam Sizlewski

Case No. 14113

Location: Abandoned apartment of Adam Sizlewski. Profession: Actor, stagename is Sizzler.

Status: Presumed missing

Exhibits A, C, E, F:

Photos of the crime scene reveal signs of a struggle, possible injury. Blood is a match for Sizlewski. Bullets removed from the wall match a handgun registered to Sizlewski. Neighbors heard the gunfire and alerted the authorities.

Exhibit G is most curious:

Package and envelope mentioned are missing. Nothing else appears to have been taken from the apartment. Investigation is on-going.

Double Talk

Glad to see that the Episode One commentary went over so well. We recorded three episodes at the same time, so now, here’s the bright shiny new Episode Two commentary for your listening enjoyment.

Once again, we offer a countdown at the beginning to help you know when to start the episode. I can’t imagine it makes much sense unless you’re watching the episode simultaneously. Personally, I think we did a better job on this one than on the first. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, too.

Remember, right-click and select “save as” to download it.

If you don’t have Episode Two downloaded, you can stream it from YouTube or here.

In other news, now that we’ve had some time to kind of chill and get our thoughts together, we’re moving into pre-production for some of the other properties that we’ve recently mentioned. Over the next couple of weeks you guys should be hearing a lot more about G.R.I.E.F. and Web Zeroes.

Also, if you haven’t seen The Dark Knight yet, go do it. I publicly declare that my man-crush on Christian Bale has only been strengthened in light of its release. And, in order to save my manhood after that statement, I shall add: Dude. Bra.

Episode One Commentary

Well dudes, here is the first installment of our Episode commentaries. Hopefully you’ll find out a few things that you didn’t know, or just laugh while listening to us goof around during the first episode of The Leet World.

Listening to the commentary works best if you have already downloaded the episode (that way you don’t have to worry about buffering). Simply download the audio file below and play it in conjunction with the episode. Once the commentary starts, we give you a little countdown so you know when to start the episode on your end (hit play on “go”), that way you’ll be in sync with what we’re saying.

We tried a new recording method for this commentary as well and I have to say it worked out alright, though a certain someone had the mic a tad too close to his mouth. We still love Daniel, though.

Enjoy! Right-click and select “save as” to download it.

If you haven’t downloaded Episode One, you can stream it from YouTube or here. And don’t forget to visit our store!

Epic Shots

We cliffhang like Sly Stallone.

Now that the hubbub over the end of Part 2 has died out long enough for me to speak, I wanted to give you dudes a few screenshots from Part 3 of the Season Finale. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you when it’s going to be out, because it’s all taking a tad longer than we anticipated. Rest assured that Nick and I are devoting virtually all of our free time to knocking this finale out of the park. I’ll let you know more soon, along with an announcement or two.

U HEER DAT Montages Shoot ze glass

Also, if you have a few moments, I have some lines in the new episode of Red Vs Blue. You can hear my dulcet tones in the first scene and elsewhere. Woot and such.

Happy Birthday to Us

Funny how time flies.

One year ago, we released the trailer for The Leet World on our old blogspot. Since then, we’ve devoted the last year to making this show in our free time. The only break we had was for about two weeks in January, and even then we were working on “A Day in the Life of a Turret”, so not really. It’ll be kind of nice when we’re done for the season and I can, you know, play some video games or sleep in on a Saturday.

Since that launch one year ago, we’ve seen some awesome stuff happen. Our community has grown and gotten larger, more than some of you even know. When we started, we would see maybe a few hundred visitors a day, whereas now we see thousands. Hopefully, we’ll just see that growth continue as we keep pressing on in our creative endeavors.

We definitely want to thank you guys yet again for all the support you’ve shown us in the last year. Some of you have been here since the beginning and some of you are fairly new. Either way, we appreciate all that you’ve done, and thanks for watching our goofy show.

Happy Birthday!

A couple of quick updates: there are some cool announcements coming over the next two weeks. Also, we won’t be putting the trailer on our website until we can get music on it that we actually own.

He Left Us! He Left Us!

But that’s not what I’m going to do. Or Nick, either, for that matter.

Last Friday, in the span of just 24 hours, Daniel, our Director, after effects dude and quality control guy, left his job in order to start freelancing in the film world. Little did he know that by the end of that day, he would have a one-month stint offered to him out in the land of California. A job which began this past Monday.

Daniel had just one day to make this decision, and took the plunge and the job, leaving Nick and I to scale Mount Doom (and finish the season) on our own. Luckily, it’s just a temporary 30 day job, but it happened at our busiest point of the season.

As a result, the two of us have been scrambling around all three parts of the Finale this week, finishing Part One on Monday night, filming for Part Three on Tuesday, editing and faceposing for Part Two last night and the night before. The immediate effect of Daniel’s notable absence was that we were not able to get a new shiny intro in front of the Season Finale for you guys, which Daniel was pretty disappointed about, because he’s been planning it for awhile now.

Needless to say, we’re totally supportive of Daniel’s decision to take this short term job. Let’s get real- man’s gotta live, and this show doesn’t pay the bills. When left with the choice of starving or The Leet World, Daniel made the smart move, trusting that with parts One and Two already filmed, we could complete the task. In 30 days, he’ll be back and helping us with our next projects. I’ve got to say I’m a little bummed he won’t be here to celebrate with us when the season’s over, but I know we’ll live it up when he’s back in town.

I’ll stress again that this is only a one month job, and Daniel should be back in July.

In addition to this news, I bring some screenshots from Parts Two and Three of the Finale. Enjoy!

The Challenge Run for it! Hear that Sound?


Cortez: Meandering Muerto

Crazy goings-on here with Smooth Few Films. For months now, we’ve been talking amongst ourselves about the Season Finale and the subsequent break we’d be taking until the Fall to resume Season Two. We’re excited about the projects we’ll be doing in that time between seasons, but The Leet World is like this multi-headed dragon we have to face before getting a much needed rest.

Part One will be arriving sometime in the next few days. Just like assaulting some kind of notorious floating Star de Death, an episode is a multi-pronged attack where several factors have to be aligned just right in order for us to release it. We’ll let you know once we’ve hit that “eve of release” window.

And now, to complete the cast of main characters, we are bringing you the bio of one Cortez Emilio Alejandro Jesus Cardinal. Don’t assume you know everything about our favorite blind avenger…

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