Category Archives: Maintenance

Birthdays and Battles

danielToday is a very special day for Daniel, director, and voice of Ellis and Adam Sizzler in The Leet World. He turns 28 years of age. Yikes. I hope he doesn’t break a hip or something. Wish him a good one, he deserves it.

Production has started again on the show as of this weekend, and we are slicing that thing up like raptors in Jurassic Park. That is to say, the attack will come from the side, from the raptor you didn’t even know was there. The second half of this season is kind of awesome, so we’re looking forward to getting on with it. I’ll have some screenshots for you dudes later on in the week, I hope.

I randomly watched a lot of Season 1 yesterday, for the first time in several months. While watching some battle sequences, it came upon me to ask you dudes which gunfight/battle you’ve liked best so far in The Leet World. So, answer away. What’s your favorite?

Where’s the “Undo” Button On This Thing?

facepalmHi folks. Just a quick post to let you know that we’ve had a loss of data and the downloads are not currently available. The culprit here was a tinkering webmaster (me) and and a crappy WordPress plugin that decided to delete a folder without telling me what it was doing. It’s possible our hosting company can restore the domain from a backup, but I’m not going to count on it.

We have backups of almost everything, and I’m going to begin the process of getting those re-uploaded onto the site as soon as I can, but the main thing that we don’t have consistent backups of are the HD versions of season 1.

If you or anyone else you know has all of season 1 in the HD format, I’d appreciate it if you could upload them somewhere like FileFront and email me a link to the file(s) at No need to post the links in the comments, but if you want to “claim” which episodes you are uploading, that might help prevent folks from doubling up on the same episodes. Thanks!

UPDATE: Lucky for us, it looks like I actually jumped the gun here. When I started downloading a backup of the remaining folders on the site, it was a much bigger download than I was expecting. I dug around a bit and it turns out that the stupid plugin had just moved the missing folder about three deep inside a few other folders. Needless to say, I’m both relieved and in the process of making a giant backup of the entire site. You can return to previously scheduled programming now.

Avatars on SmoothFewFilms

gravatarI’m seeing lots of people with little ghost faces next to their names here, so I figured it was time for another update on how to add pictures to your profile at SmoothFewFilms.

The process is easy. Just go to Gravatar and register for an account with the same e-mail address you used for this site, and you’re good to go. Add a picture to your account there, and it should show up here and any other site that uses Gravatar. It’s seriously the easiest sign up process ever in the history of dude-kind.

It’d be nice to see some shiny new avatars for all of those comments on Season 2, Episode 4 of TLW, which will be here within the next couple of days.

Go forth and register, and be ye anonymous no more.

The Leet World Fan Works

tlw203So Episode 3 is going to be here in the next few days. Sweet. And rad.

Thanks for all of you who have voted for us for stuff for the last few weeks. There’s just one week left to nominate Web Zeroes for the Streamys! For a full list of names and such for nominations, check out this link, so you know what all we’re hoping to be nominated for. Once again, only do this if you really think Web Zeroes deserves it. No pressure! But we would super appreciate it.

And speaking of appreciation… Over the course of the last year and a half (wow) that we’ve been battling this raging behemoth of a Counter-Strike machinima known as The Leet World, different fans of ours have shown their devotion and gratitude by getting creative and making tributes. I’ve made a list of a few of our favorites. Check it out after the jump!

Continue reading

Attack of the Threes

The Leet World Season 2, Episode Three should be out some time next week. I know some of you are going a little rabid waiting for it, so thanks for being patient. Basically, because of the holidays and such, we lost a few weekends of filming, which is when most of the work goes into production.

However, we’re all good now. Well, I am. Daniel is still his evil self, with his plots and schemes.

Also, Web Zeroes Episode 3 should be out the week following that. This episode really gets into the stuff we’ve been dying to get to, which is just the three geeks doing their thing. It’s even got orcs, friend requests and mana.

In other news we’ve got a sweet new feature over at GamerSushi, 7 Things a Gamer Should Never Admit. Check it out!

And here’s a fun poll for you dudes to sound off about. Remember, if you’re having trouble logging in, just refresh. Tell us your thoughts!

This poll is now closed.

Battle Shots

The holidays are almost over, and I am saddened that I will lose much gaming time. Been playing Prince of Persia, Fable II, The Force Unleashed, etc. But alas, the real world beckons yet again.

A bit ago, I mentioned the Streamys, which are still accepting votes/nominations. Feel free to submit Web Zeroes for the comedic categories, if you feel inclined to do so. Also, Hawty McBloggy is running a contest called the “Best of Halo Awards” for notable Halo machinima from the past year, and Bag Boy has been nominated! There are some other greats on the list as well, so browse, watch and vote to your liking.

I think it’s about time you saw the first glimpse of Episode 3 of Season 2 of The Leet World. In true Counter-Strike:Source fashion, our dudes are battling it out in Inferno. We worked hard this weekend filming, and I’m excited about the results. Here are some screenies:

tlw203_screen1 tlw203_screen2 tlw203_screen3


The Voltron Effect

Yesterday, Smooth Few Films (Jace, Jeff, Nick, Daniel and myself) got together as a whole for the first time since The Leet World started. In fact, Jace and Jeff had never even met one another until then. We gorged out on mexican food and acted fat together, and it was an explosion of awesome. Much like Voltron.

In other news, I wanted to remind everyone that The Leet World Season One Soundtrack is still available for purchase, and is still ridiculously badass. Definitely a good way to spend some of that Christmas money. Pre-paid credit cards ftw.

Also, I wanted to let you guys know about the Streamys, awards for live-action web shows. If you would like to, we would dig it if you guys nominated Web Zeroes for any category that you think it fits. This will definitely help us get the word out about our show. Click here to nominate for the Streamys!

EDIT: Thanks to you guys who have voted! Remember, if you do cast a vote, cast it for Web Zeroes!

A G.R.I.E.F. Update

So if you haven’t guessed already, G.R.I.E.F. is on hold indefinitely. Now that we’re working hard on Web Zeroes and The Leet World, adding one more thing into the mix is going to bring down the quality of all of the projects. We are but mere men after all, though I am somewhere close to troll-ish in nature.

We’ve filmed part of the first episode, but it’s a very ambitious endeavor, so we’re just going to stick it on the backburner until we find some time for it. Who knows, maybe our new TLW method rocks our socks off and we have all kinds of free time to make Halo 3 machinima in addition to our other stuff. And play video games.

We’re also hard at work on Episode 3 of The Leet World, filming and doing all kinds of Counter-Strike things. Episode 2 is coming sometime in the next week, and I think you dudes will enjoy it. Web Zeroes short in the next few days.

Prepare for lulz in 3…2…

Of Spies and Men

Thanks for the great response to Web Zeroes, Episode 2. Web Zeroes episodes are always a tad more nerve wracking to release because it really is putting a bit more of us out there than our machinima. I mean, obviously. But then again, you get to see Nick’s beard, so I guess it all evens out. Were it not for that beard, perhaps many of you would have been turned off to the show’s charm. Sometimes I want to wear it like a parka.

In other news, we are hard at work on the first few episodes of The Leet World, Season 2. Obviously, I don’t want to spoil any kind of “secritz”, but we’re working on something fun for the first episode’s release. Mark my words, you might get excited enough to punch a puppy when you see what I’m talking about. And not to leave you hanging with that tease, here’s another one. Or three, to be exact:

Have fun with those. Those are like, sneaky James Bond style screenshots.

By the way, downloads for Web Zeroes are coming today at some point, we just got so caught up in working on Season 2 that we literally just forgot. I’m assuming we’ll be forgiven for that. If not, tough enchiladas.

Gears of Production

I’ve been playing Gears of War 2 like a madman all weekend. Seriously. I believe it is affecting my day-to-day interactions with those of hume kind. I am like a raving lunatic, curb stomping all in my path and demanding that random passersby get out of my way while I take mad cover. I’m a little into it. Maybe because I’m an absolute video game nut, but I guess you knew that.

If you have an XBox 360, I’d recommend getting it just for Horde mode, which is probably the crowning jewel of the title. Great stuff. I’ll be doing a review for GamerSushi sometime in the near future, so that’ll be fun.

Filming marches onward, and I wish I could show you some more, but we’re trying to guard Episode 1’s secrets like some ancient guild. You’ll see more soon enough.

In the meantime, a new episode of Web Zeroes is on the way this week. Should be up within a few days.  Happy Waiting. And if you haven’t bought the TLW Season One Soundtrack yet, something is wrong with you.