Category Archives: Web Zeroes

The Lost TLW Factoids, Part 1

magnifying-glassThanks for all of the feedback on Episode 1 of Web Zeroes. We’re looking forward to the release of Episode 2 on Wednesday. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already shot 7 of those things, and I’m writing the 8th for this upcoming weekend. The whole thing has been a crazy learning process for all of us at SFF, and hopefully you guys stick with us through it.

I was thinking the other day about The Leet World and doing a bit of reflecting on the Counter-Strike machinima that was, and I remembered some cool pieces of commentary that I’ve been wanting to share with you guys. Normally, this kind of stuff would come up in a podcast, but as we haven’t had any time to ourselves lately, I thought it’d be good to go ahead and post it.

Here are some lost TLW factoids for you to nom on.

  • Player was originally going to be a girl. Yes, how very Spriggs (and Red vs Blue, come to think of it) of us. I’m not sure when the decision was made. Somewhere in the middle of making the first episode, we felt that if Player ever got a voice, the voice would have to be funnier than what he already was. We decided we could never top him as he has always existed in the show, so he stayed voiceless and male-ish.

  • Asher’s original name was Jenkins. As many have surmised, Leeroy, the World of Battlelore player extraordinaire, was named after Leeroy Jenkins. As even more of a nod to the classic video, we were going to name Asher as “Jenkins”. We eventually changed this idea so that people wouldn’t start assuming that Leeroy and Asher were twins, seeing as how they shared the same model. Asher’s actual name is a reference to Ash, the android in Ripley Scott’s Alien.

  • Westheimer was going to be Chet’s father. This is one that I’m still kind of sad we ditched. For whatever reason, we chunked it by the end of season 1, but Westheimer was intended to be Chet’s father. This adds even extra humor to Chet’s lamentation in Episode 5 about never knowing his father.

  • Ahmad’s original murderer? The Producer. After Asher detonated (inside the warehouse instead of outside), the gang was going to leave the burning building behind, assuming Ahmad’s demise was inevitable. He is eventually found by the Producer and some Noonien soldiers. Ahmad reaches to the Producer for help and is shocked when Prod pulls out a silenced pistol, executing him amidst the rubble of de_nuke. The Producer simply walks away, ordering the soldiers to “Clean up this mess”. As awesome as this would have been, it was just a little bit too brutal and far less heroic for our lovable noob.

There are plenty more where those came from. Feel free to send in your questions about The Leet World, I’d love to give out more information like this. And come back on Wednesday for more Web Zeroes!

Re-Introducing: Web Zeroes!

microphoneAnd here it is, the premiere episode of Web Zeroes on Revision 3, made by us dudes at Smooth Few Films. If you’ve seen the original episodes we made last year, you’ll see a few bits that are familiar, along with lots of new ones. Like we’ve said, this is a reboot of the series, so it’s different than the previous pilot we did.

In this episode, Ray, Nate and Alex attempt to record a podcast as the start of their (hopeful) future stardom on the Web. This is our first episode launch, so things might be a tad spotty this time, but in the coming weeks we’ll get the process all nailed down. Be sure to update your flash player to watch the embedded version, and for downloadable versions, simply visit Revision3.

We hope to have a premiere page for upcoming releases, but for now, hit the jump to see the first episode. Episode 2 will be out next Wednesday, October 14th!
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Oh, What a Night

houston-nightBy the time many of you guys read this, Episode 1 of Web Zeroes will already be out.

Tonight, we did a screening of the first episode in front of a live audience at a bar here in Houston. And let me say, it was one of the highlights of our short careers doing this Web video thing. I’ve actually never had the experience of watching something I’ve done live with a group of people before, so seeing people react and laugh was absurdly satisfying, especially after all the weeks of preparation that have gone into this.

Much thanks to all of our friends and family who came and anyone that wanted to be there but couldn’t because of the vast amounts of physical space that separates us. Also, huge thanks to Joey, the lone Leet World fan who drove across town to come meet us and thank us for putting out one of his favorite shows. I’m glad you got to meet us and Ty. It was super humbling, dude, and it was a pleasure losing my voice talking to you.

Enjoy Episode 1 tomorrow, I’ll be posting it then.

FAQ’in Around

faqIt really is nice to have the Web Zeroes announcement out in the open. We’ve been working our butts off on the rebooted version of the series for a couple of months now to make the Fall release date.

The support coming in from you guys and from other places has been really awesome for us, especially after giving our all to get that TLW Finale up. Thanks for that. We even got some nice props from Burnie Burns, of a little outfit known as Rooster Teeth.

In recent days, JJ has updated the trusty SFF FAQ page. We’re still taking some questions, so send them in. A few of you have been asking some questions about the new show. So I thought I’d answer those and a few more below the jump:
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Announcing: Web Zeroes on Revision3!

We’re excited to announce that Web Zeroes is coming next month to Revision3!

For some of you, the cat has already been out of the bag since the newest episode of Diggnation aired last night, but the rest of you can still be surprised. If you’re unaware, Rev3 is the king of awesome Internet television content like Totally Rad Show, Film Riot, Co-Op and then some. Those of you that already watch their stuff can easily attest to that.

As for our show, this is going to be a slightly rebooted version of Web Zeroes, hence the removal of the episodes from our site. I can’t go into a whole lot of detail about it just yet, but for now, you should go watch the new Web Zeroes trailer over at Revision3! This is a huge opportunity that we’re extremely pumped about. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.

Go watch the trailer!

Let’s Clarify

I’d like to thank everyone for the encouraging words regarding our announcement about the end of TLW after this season (and an awesome movie). We’ve been suspecting that this might go down for a couple of months, but it only became set in stone recently. It’s good to have it out in the open, and even better when nobody goes ballistic and throws things at us. You know, like e-rocks.

Since the questions are rolling in, I wanted to clarify a few things:

  • Daniel is not leaving yet. He actually won’t be gone for about 5 months or so. In that time our goal is to finish the season, party like man-imals, and then make a sweet movie. We don’t know how long the movie will be, minutes-wise.
  • The show is not over yet. We’re still going to do the second half of the season. For those of you wondering, it will be just a bit shorter than last season. 
  • Without Daniel, we won’t be continuing Web Zeroes regularly. Since he’s kind of in it and also the director, there’s no way it could happen. We’d still like to do an episode or two before he goes, and there might be an occasional episode if he comes in town for a weekend, but that’s it.
  • Nick and I will keep making stuff after TLW is over, but we’re not replacing one crazy big workload for another crazy big workload. Whatever we work on next (be it G.R.I.E.F. or one of our other ideas), it won’t be as regular or as big as The Leet World.

Anything not answered there is something we don’t know the answers to or can’t really address at this point. There’s a lot that we still don’t know, but I thought I’d do my best to answer the things we could. 

Episode 8 will be out at some point this week. I’m excited to start this half of the season. It’s seriously going to be wild.

Attack of the Threes

The Leet World Season 2, Episode Three should be out some time next week. I know some of you are going a little rabid waiting for it, so thanks for being patient. Basically, because of the holidays and such, we lost a few weekends of filming, which is when most of the work goes into production.

However, we’re all good now. Well, I am. Daniel is still his evil self, with his plots and schemes.

Also, Web Zeroes Episode 3 should be out the week following that. This episode really gets into the stuff we’ve been dying to get to, which is just the three geeks doing their thing. It’s even got orcs, friend requests and mana.

In other news we’ve got a sweet new feature over at GamerSushi, 7 Things a Gamer Should Never Admit. Check it out!

And here’s a fun poll for you dudes to sound off about. Remember, if you’re having trouble logging in, just refresh. Tell us your thoughts!

This poll is now closed.

Battle Shots

The holidays are almost over, and I am saddened that I will lose much gaming time. Been playing Prince of Persia, Fable II, The Force Unleashed, etc. But alas, the real world beckons yet again.

A bit ago, I mentioned the Streamys, which are still accepting votes/nominations. Feel free to submit Web Zeroes for the comedic categories, if you feel inclined to do so. Also, Hawty McBloggy is running a contest called the “Best of Halo Awards” for notable Halo machinima from the past year, and Bag Boy has been nominated! There are some other greats on the list as well, so browse, watch and vote to your liking.

I think it’s about time you saw the first glimpse of Episode 3 of Season 2 of The Leet World. In true Counter-Strike:Source fashion, our dudes are battling it out in Inferno. We worked hard this weekend filming, and I’m excited about the results. Here are some screenies:

tlw203_screen1 tlw203_screen2 tlw203_screen3


The Voltron Effect

Yesterday, Smooth Few Films (Jace, Jeff, Nick, Daniel and myself) got together as a whole for the first time since The Leet World started. In fact, Jace and Jeff had never even met one another until then. We gorged out on mexican food and acted fat together, and it was an explosion of awesome. Much like Voltron.

In other news, I wanted to remind everyone that The Leet World Season One Soundtrack is still available for purchase, and is still ridiculously badass. Definitely a good way to spend some of that Christmas money. Pre-paid credit cards ftw.

Also, I wanted to let you guys know about the Streamys, awards for live-action web shows. If you would like to, we would dig it if you guys nominated Web Zeroes for any category that you think it fits. This will definitely help us get the word out about our show. Click here to nominate for the Streamys!

EDIT: Thanks to you guys who have voted! Remember, if you do cast a vote, cast it for Web Zeroes!

On Extras and Ninjas

Like ninjas, we plan on giving some long overdue extra content in the next few weeks. I know that some of you are longing for a podcast, and believe me, we have been too. It was sad for us that we never got to record a season finale podcast to wrap up and tell tales of that huge finale and what went into it. But soon, you’ll be hearing a lot of that stuff.

Speaking of extras, check out our new feature at GamerSushi, Shattered Save Slots, where we tackle some of our favorite games. This week is Final Fantasy VII.

Also, outtakes are on the way. There’s some pretty good stuff from the first couple of episodes, and possibly even more Cortez Cardinal: Ace Attorney in there as well.

Here are some screenshots from Episode 3 of Web Zeroes. We got some great footage last weekend. I think this is going to be a pretty solid episode.

All part of the plan... The beard's addiction. An offer you can't refuse...

You know what else is full of ninjas? Christmas. Who knew it was next week? It came like a thief in the shadows. Next time, I’ll be ready.